The Picnic Date

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When you get there Merlin sets everything up. When he's finished, he stands up, jesters toward the food and smiles.

Once you sit down, Merlin then sits. "How come you're not freaking out?" He asks.

"My father was a sorcerer, too. I never told anybody," you say shyly. "I was afraid that if anybody found out they'd kill me for being related to a sorcerer."

He grabs your hands and gives them a squeeze, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You him a light smile. He smiles back, "So let's eat." He then hands you a plate with some meat and cheese.

"Thank you."

The picnic was everything you could of dreamed of, no disturbances, just talking.

"So what made you want to do your duties yesterday?" You ask as Merlin packs up everything. "You usually hate doing your duties."

Merlin stands up and puts the basket over his shoulder, "I wanted to get my mind off some things."

"What is it? You know you can trust me," you step closer to him.

"Have you ever heard of the Crystal Cave?"

"That's where they took you, huh?"

"Yes," Merlin slumps his head down. "I saw such horrible things...Morgana took over Camelot, Arthur was sentenced to death, and there was nothing I could do."

"Merlin," you lift up his head to make him look at you,"those things might not happen."

"But they could!" He shouts and steps back. "The fate of Camelot rests on my shoulders!"

"What about your friends? Surely we can help you lift the weight and save Camelot."

"Thank you, (y/n), but somethings I need to do alone."

"Just think about it, okay? You can always ask for help."

"Okay," he puts out his hand, you grab it and start your way back to Camelot.

Author's Note:

Hi guys :) thank you so much for reading, I'm glad people are enjoying this story.

And I'm wondering if you guys could follow my fan account on Instagram, it's @merlins_girl
It's a multi-fandom account.

Anyway, thanks again :)

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