Being Introduced

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Imagine you lived in Camelot and know Merlin and Arthur. While walking in the woods Merlin came up to you and says,"Arthur sent me. He wanted to make sure that you were okay."

In response you say,"I'm fine, thank you. How did he know I was here?"

"He's the King, he makes sure all of his friends are okay by keeping tabs on all of them."

"That's very kind of him"

" I was wondering if I could escort you back to the castle?"

You begin to blush as you say, "I would love that."

On the way back to Camelot you and Merlin talk about mindless things. "So how are you this fine day?" Merlin asks with a smirk on his face.

"I'm good. How are you this fine day?" You ask giggling to yourself.

"I'm good, thank you!" He says as you both enter Camelot.

You then notice Arthur siting on the castle steps looking sad. "What's wrong, Arthur?"

"Huh?" Arthur looked startled,"Oh sorry. I'm just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?" Merlin asked.

"Guinevere, she's been very moody lately and I don't know why."

"Well she is a girl," Merlin said. Then turned to you,"No offense."

"None taken," you simply reply.

"No, but this is different...she's being emotional."

"I can ask Gaius if you would like," Merlin put in.

"Thank you, Merlin, if you could that'd be great," Arthur replied as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"So Arthur," you say,"thank you for sending Merlin to look after me."

"I didn't send Merlin," Arthur said as her turned to Merlin with a question on his face. Merlin gave Arthur a quick stern expression on his face as to give Arthur a sign to back him up, hoping you wouldn't notice. "Oh, right. I sent Merlin to look after you," Arthur says as he gives Merlin a quick wink.

"Well anyway, thank you, boys," you say smiling looking at them both. They bow their heads to you as a sign of you're welcome.

"Well, I must be going. Gaius probably has chores for me to do," Merlin says.

As he walks away Arthur shouts to him,"Don't forget to ask him about Gwen!"

"I won't!" Merlin replies.

"I should be going too, Sire." You say.

"Of course. I can walk you home if you'd like," Arthur say as he jesters your way home.

"Sure" you reply.

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