Your Walk with the King, and Your Home Life

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As Arthur walks you to your chambers, you both talk about how your lives are going. "So," Arthur says,"you like Merlin?"

"Of course I do he's my friend," you say.

"You know what I mean," Arthur raising an eyebrow at you. You look to the ground blushing hoping he wouldn't notice. "It's ok I won't tell," he adds.

"Thank you, Arthur. I would tell him but I don't want to make things between us weird," you say as you both walk up to your home. "Well I'll see you tomorrow," you say as you step inside your doorway.

"See you tomorrow," Arthur replies.

You shut the door quietly and take off the cloak that you had been wearing. It was an old cloak, the color was blue. The fabric was made out of the cheapest you could find. You try to save your money for a rainy day. You don't have a lot of money being a helper of a servant.
Your home rests on the outside of the castle. It's a small home, but you like it. Your family had all passed away, you only had a mother and father. They died of a horrible disease that broke out in your old village 5 years ago. When you were little you've always dreamed of coming to Camelot, but you never imagined it being cause of a horrible tragedy.
You look around your sad little home looking for something to eat. You manage to gather up ingredients for an omelet. After you were done eating, you grab your cloak and head out the door to your masters home.

It was uncommon to have a servant working for a servant but it was hard to look for a good job, so you took the first thing that you could find. The servant that you work for is named Sefa. She's very kind and is your age. She has blonde hair that's often pulled off to the side in a braid.
After you get to her home, you both head to the castle to your main masters chambers. Your main masters name is Hannah. She's only staying in the castle for a little while. Her father is a council member of one of the other kingdoms. When you get there, you go straight to work. A lot of your work is gathering things Hannah wants or needs. Today she wants a new necklace. So off you go to find one. As you walk down the hall you whisper to yourself, "What a spoiled brat! I want this, I want that. All well at least I get payed."

Your Adventure with MerlinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant