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Author's note: So um (T-TIII) it's getting kinda lonely when nobody comments at least comment once TwT. I want to know what you think about the story I can't read y'all's minds you know. Anyways please enjoy this chapter, like it said on the previous chapter the guys will be meeting new people. I believe you might like this chapter a lot ^^. Let's get onto the story then.

Izuku's pov:

"Let's go and meet some people then shall we?"

"Okay but where exactly are we going?", said Kirishima as he finished his food.

"Oh, well if I remember correctly they shouldn't be that far from here.", I said as I waited for the others to finish their foods.

"So who the hell are we meeting with?", said Bakugou as he stuffed the food in his mouth.

"The first person we're meeting is a mage. Like I said before we'll need someone who's familiarized with magic her name is Ochaco Uraraka.", I said as they all finished their food in a flash.

"Why in the hell are you gonna ask a girl to join us?!", said Bakugou confused as he wondered what I was up to.

Kirishima sighed and said, " Bakugou I'm pretty sure Izuku has a reason for all his actions."

"You're right Kirishima I do have a reason for everything I do. I can see why Bakugou disapproves of a girl they can be pretty self-centered sometimes but the one we're going to meet is different.", I said as I grinned at myself.

"But what are we gonna do if she doesn't want to join us?", said Kirishima as his eyes furrowed with worry.

"Oh don't worry about that, actually she needs money so if we offer her some money she'll accept without a doubt.", I said in a confident voice.

"Oh by the way do I have to go?", said Hitoshi as he tapped his finger against the table impatiently.

" PFFFFT- don't worry about it I know you want to spend some time with your sweet darling~", I said as I tried to mock Shinso a bit.

"If it wasn't for Kamimari I would've already killed you by now.....", said Shinso as a blush started to appear on his face.

"Whatever just spend your time with Denki I'm pretty sure he also missed you a lot.", I said as I walked out the room with Kirishima and Bakugou.

"Are we going right now without a carriage?!", said Bakugou as he complaint while he groaned.

"Yup, she lives close so there's no need to go there with a carriage unless it's too hard for you to walk there?", I said as I tried to provoke him.

"HAH?!?! AS IF THIS IS A PIECE OF CAKE FOR ME!!!!", said Bakugou as he glared at me while getting pumped up.

"By the way now that I think about it I never really asked anything about you. Is it okay if I ask?", said Kirishima as he ignored Bakugou's yelling while we went outside the mansion making our way to meet her.

"Sure, I'll answer them if I can.", I said as we walked in a steady pace.

"Yeah shitty hair is right, we don't know anything about you.", said Bakugou as he agreed with Kirishima.

"I guess you're right but you guys never asked you know so I didn't say anything so it's not really my fault you know.", I said while we continued to walk.

"Well you're right but still....", said Kirishima as he sighed a bit.

" Well then I'll ask first, I've been wondering for a while but where is your family by now they probably are searching for you. Well thinking about it the old hag would've probably just kick my ass or something like that.", said Bakugou as he groaned at the thought.

"I don't have a family.", I said in a stern voice.

"Wait what!? What do you mean you don't have a family????", said Kirishima as he looked at me surprised by what I said.

"Well I never met my parents I only have one vague memory of my mother and that's all.", I said as we continued walking.

"What happened to her?", said Kirishima getting concerned.

"Don't pity me besides from what I heard she died from overwork, and to sum it up she died in her sleep so I'm sure she died peacefully.", I said as I sped up the pace.

"She died when I was only one year old. I'm pretty sure now you want to ask what happened afterwards right?", I said as I looked at them who seemed to be curious about it while they nodded.

"Well I didn't have anyone to rely on because I didn't have any relatives. My mom's parents had already died in a car accident so I was taken into an orphanage. I was later adopted by some people but it wasn't really pretty since their work was nasty and I had to clean up after them.", I said while they both listened.

" There's actually more but it's not the right time to talk about it. Also will you stop looking at me like that Kirishima?!", I said as I looked at Kirishima with a pissed look.

"Ah! Sorry I didn't mean to look like I was pitying you, it's just even though you went through a lot you don't look like you suffered. I-I'm not saying I don't believe you! It's just that you're always kinda cheerful for someone who's went through a lot you know. You're pretty manly yourself you know.", said Kirishima as he smiled at me.

"Yeah whatever.....", I said as I felt my face heat up.

"Heh. If the nerd is that amazing then there's no need to worry about him besides he has us now, there's no use on worrying about it when he has us.", said Bakugou as he smiled a bit.

I didn't say anything back all I did was look down in hopes that they didn't see my face because I was sure that if they looked at me I would be blushing.

"J-just shut up already. Kacchan says the most embarrassing things.....", I said without realizing that I called Bakugou by the nickname I gave him.

Before I knew it Kirishima and Bakugou hugged me and all I could see was their smiles as they looked at me.

=It's not hot outside but.....somehow I feel really warm. I wonder..... Is this how love and affection feels like? If so then I really like it.=

Words: 1096

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