-Kirishima's limit

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Author's note: Ok so....😐 don't know what to say so just enjoy this chapter.

Izuku's pov:

3 hours later----

"Where's Bakugou?", I said as I got up and changed into some fresh clothes that didn't have blood in them.

"He's in his room, but Izuku.... Are you sure it's okay for you to get up?", said Kirishima as he looked at me worried.

I've gone through worse so this is nothing though I did some miscalculations on where I was gonna get stabbed but it doesn't matter I've been stabbed way worse before.

How was it that those bastards called it? Oh yeah supposedly for 'resistance'.

=How disgusting......=

"Don't worry it's fine something like this is nothing.", I said as I went out of the room leaving Kirishima while I went to go look for Bakugou.

I didn't really think about it that much but it seems like the skills I had in the other world transferred to this body or maybe my whole body just transferred here.

=No can't be because all of the scars I had in my other body are gone....=

Then the only thing that transferred were my skills but what's amusing is that this body is the same body I had back in my world.

=When I think about it why is it that I came to this world? How was this even possible......=

This body has no memories. No matter how hard I try this body doesn't seem to have anything...

=It's almost like someone made this body just for me.....Wait could it be that maybe the LOV has something to do with this?! No but it doesn't make sense if I think about it.....=

I once read a book that was based on theories and one of them mentioned that what if there were different dimensions and it was possible for people from different dimensions to travel around those dimensions. The last thing that theory ended with was the possibility that what if they actually control everything that happens on those dimensions. Like complete order and everything is planned like they want.

=Back then I just thought it was pure gibberish but thinking about my current situation that theory might actually just be true, no in the contrary there's a high chance that it is true..... But if it is true why am I here?.....=

I sigh and just brush of those thoughts.

=No use thinking about it now right now I need to find Bakugou.....=

Soon enough I arrived at Bakugou's room and just let myself in without knocking.

Bakugou who was lying in his bed got up flustered when he noticed it was me who entered.

"Hey, we need to talk.", I said as I looked at him coldly.

=that sounded way too cold and I oddly sound like Bakugou.=

I sigh and say, " Nevermind just hear me out. I know that you're probably blaming yourself for what happened but it isn't your fault. You probably think you were weak and because of that you weren't able to do anything..... ", I said as I sat down on the bed with my back facing Bakugou's who also sat on the bed but on the other side of the bed.

I could hear him gritting his teeth, probably from frustration knowing full well that I was right.

"If you ask me you 'are' weak....", I said as I spoke with no hesitation.

"YOU-", said Bakugou as he was about to burst from anger while I interrupted him before he could even yell properly.

"You are weak because if you were to be strong then you wouldn't be blaming yourself. Do you think that I'm not able to take care of myself. If you are strong just like you say you are then you have to be prepared for what's coming for all we know I might die and even worse Kirishima could also die......", I said as I started lecturing Bakugou.

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