Homicide goes wrong

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Jane and Maura became friends when Maura was an ER doctor that and Jane was the stubborn patient of hers.

Jane was shot in the arm at a homicide scene that quickly turned to an active shooting scene.

Jane and Barry Frost were called out for a homicide. Initially, it was only a homicide until the shooter decided to go back for bag the deceased bank robbers cousin had dropped the vault contents. In this bag wasn't filled with actually money but rare diamonds. They were worth over one billion dollars.
Edward returned to the scene and noticed the bag was already picked up by the FEDS. Normally, Boston PD wouldn't get involved in a Federal homicide but the FBI asked for Boston's assistance do to similar cases that Boston PD was currently working on. Jane hated,yes hated working on joint cases because FBI had a tenancy of not sharing information. This appeared the case. Frost and she realized when the shooter came out of no where shooting. Jane didn't have time to grab her gun out of her holster when she was shot by friendly fire. Frost shot the shot that stopped Edward from shooting more shots. Friendly fire came from a newbie, agent Spencer. He got to shooken up and accidentally shot in her right arm near her shoulder. Jane, "fuck don't they teach their shooters not to shoot other officers.?" The head agent reprimanded Spencer and relieved him immediately of his weapon and badge. Agent Spencer profusely apologized on deaf ears. Jane just told him, "get the fuck away from me, you did enough." Jane refused the medics to take her to the hospital after they bandaged her up. It was a clean shot at least. Frost drove under protest when Frost didn't back down. "JANE YOU CAN'T BE DRIVING, YOU CAN PASS OUT." "FINE JUST GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE I AM TEMPTED TO USE MY SERVICE WEAPON " Cavanaugh happened to arrive during that time and relieved her of her weapon. He knew Jane was a good detective, but he wasn't willing to take that chance.
Frost drove her to the ER. She was taken to the ER immediately. Maura had to be the doctor to remove the bullet and check for fragments before she stitched her up. Cavanaugh showed up to the ER, he knew Jane would try to leave. Maura said it appeared to be a clean shot ad much as it can be, but she wanted Jane to be admitted for the night as a precaution. " Jane if I have to handcuff you to this bed, you will stay the night and return to desk duty until Dr. Maura Isles approves you to return full capacity.

Maura could tell, this was going to be one heck of patient to look after. Jane was moved upstairs and her MA was notified by Frost immediately. Angela showed up immediately. Angela heard Jane disputing with her doctor. "JANE CLEMENTINE RIZZOLI, GET YOUR BUTT BACK IN BED AND DO WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS." "MA I AM OKAY, I JUST WANT TO GO HOME, SLEEP IN MY OWN BED AND SPEND TIME WITH JOE FRIDAY. SINCE YOU ARE MAKING ME STAY, PLEASE GO GET JOE FRIDAY AND ASK FRANKIE TO TAKE HIM FOR A WALK." Angela looked at her hospital Identification. "Dr. Isles is it, my stubborn daughter shall not be a problem anymore. I will make sure of it. I am staying here for the night." "Barry thank you for contacting me immediately. Please tell Cavanaugh and Korsak I will be here for the night." "Yes mam." "Suck up, why did you have to call MA?" Frost didn't respond and contacted the two that Mrs. Rizzoli asked him to do. Maura returned with her pain medication and handed her a cup of water herself. Maura normally doesn't do the medication herself but the nurses were extra busy tonight. Maura was one of the nicer nurses that went out of her way to offer help to the nurses when her scheduled allowed it. Food service brought Jane her food. Jane ate a little bit. Maura shared her dinner with Angela and conversed all night until she was called back to the ER. Maura came back late, and covered Angela and changed Jane's bandages, checked for infection and completed her vitals and charted it.
Jane woke up and apologized to Maura for her attitude and behavior. "Apology accepted Ms.Rizzoli." "Please call me Jane." Maura strongly recommended Jane to stay hydrated and brought her some of her own Fiji water and left to get some shut eye while she could. "Good night Jane, I will check on you in the morning before I leave. If your vitals are good and no infection. I will discharge you and have an appointment for you to see me next week."

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