Jane is sore

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Jane woke up sore,  so she didn't join in my morning run on the beach.  I came upon Stephanie finishing her run. Stephanie thanked for last night. She said she flying back to Boston tomorrow. She was finished with Samantha and her behaviors. I knew Stephanie could of handled the lady without Samantha. While Stephanie and I dated briefly, she had just earned her brown belt in mixed martial arts.  Stephanie chose not to fight because she could lose her therapy license. Anyone who has specialized license for specific careers had to be careful. I myself have my second degree in black belt and cannot use it to fight but only to defend myself. I could also run a big risk in losing my medical license.  I invited Stephanie over dinner tonight so she could have company. I really had no more anger towards her but disliked Samantha's comments at the airport and reacted poorly towards Stephanie. I knew we wouldn't be buddies, but I could be civil. Stephanie asked, "Maura you sure Jane won't mind.  I don't want to cause further problems in your new relationship.  I knew of Jane before I saw you two in Dr. Lintz office. I don't think Jane remembers me. I was dating a guy and he was killed while jogging. Jane was one of the officers that worked the case. I also had my ex husband last name back than.  I was in the midst of changing it back to my maiden name. I couldn't take your referral not just because of our past relationship but also because of Jane. You know how ethics are with licensing. I am highly respected in my field and sought out by several law enforcement agencies. If Jane doesn't have a problem, here is my card, I will write my personal cell on the back.  If I haven't heard from you by four, I will take that as a no. No hard feelings if its a no. I have to get going to Samantha's hearing and to break up with her and leave her luggage with pd. Do I need to bring anything?" " No, just a healthy appetite.  Tonight's menu is Chinese.  Yes, I will make extra cream puffs for you take that and othe food back with you. Be at my place by five."
I finished walking back to my place. Jane was out on the deck and was looking at me. From my deck, Jane had perfect view of where I was.

I told Jane not to jump to conclusions and to hear me out before she responds. I explained in detail to my conversation.  " Maura I trust you, its the least I could because if she hadn't warn me, I would of seriously been hurt last night." I gave Jane a Stephanie's business card so they could talk.
I gave her a kiss and went to take  shower and get ready for Jane's cooking lesson on Chinese Food.

Jane and Stephanie spoke. Jane said, she really is not a bad gal. We started making the food because it was already four thirty after we relaxed and cuddled on the couch.
The evening went well and our Chinese cooking came out delicious. It took us twl tries to get the 'wolf berry jelly' dessert to look right.

White rice and lemon chicken with bought fortune cookies

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White rice and lemon chicken with bought fortune cookies. The irony in  Stephanie's cookie said to seek out new love.

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