surprising Jane at work

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Jane was finally going to tell her friends at work about us. I knew it wouldn't be easy so I said I would come a few days after she returned so they could meet me.

When I arrived in a cream dress, I thought I was going to have to do cpr on her. She was breathing erratic than realized she never saw me dressed for a business presentation with fellow doctors to get sponsors to financially back some of our newly advanced procedures in orthopedics. Some of the younger officers whistled when I entered her unit. Jane was struggling to keep her cool.  I decided to grab her hands and kiss her.  This will now allow the younger men that I was taken by Detective Jane Rizzoli. " Maura you take my breath away dressed like that." I hugged her and whispered in her ear after work I would be at my place dressed like this with nothing on under. Jane gulped and I smiled.  Jane had more week of desk duty before she returned to full homicide duties in the field. Frankie showed up, "ah my future in law how you doing today?" Jane and I never thought further down the road. We just both smiled at him. "Frankie I am doing well but have to leave in a few for a corporate backing meeting." "By the way Frankie,  how did your week long vacation go with the veterinarian?" He blushed and smiled.  His non verbal response said it all. Jane walked me to my car and gave me a long kiss. I got into my car and she closed the door and I was off.

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