Just a normal day

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Maura woke up earlier than normal. She had morning rounds at 5 a.m., checking on her patients and completing their charts and signing their discharge paperwork.  I got up for a few to join her downstairs while she drank her morning coffee. We were able to converse for 15 minutes before she had to leave. She thanked me for making her lunch.  "Babe I should be home around 8:30 tonight.  I have a work dinner that I have to attend.  The hospital is merging with another hospital. The donors sponsors and the Board finally see we need help if they want to stay out of the red.I love you babe now go back to sleep and call me or text me later on."

I set the alarm and went back to sleep. I was tired. I was asleep for three hours when the house alarm went off. I put my tennis on real quick and grabbed my weapon. Out of all people to break into Maura's house -Samantha. I recall Maura saying Stephanie and her were brown belts back in the day. I told Samantha "don't go come any closer, I don't want to shoot you but will if I am forced."

Samantha was yelling at me, " I  came to kill Maura I  wasn't expecting you here. She caused Stephanie to break up with me. Stephanie told me she still is in love with Maura. Stephanie is mine and NO ONE TAKES WHAT IS MINE BUT, SINCE YOU ARE HERE, I WILL TAKE WHAT IS MAURA'S. " She came closer with the blade she had in her hand and was getting ready to throw it at me. I shot her once, but the adrenalin in this bitch wasn't stopping her. She reached for her waste band, she was pulling the sig Sauer out. I shot her directly in her heart. The  alarm company had recorded the entire communication and Maura's cameras recorded the entire incident." Officers arrived with their weapons drawn. I placed my weapon down when instructed.  "I am detective Jane Rizzoli with the 15th precinct. You can call my captain Cavanaugh and my girlfriends security system automatically records and her cameras activate when the alarm goes off. " The officers confirmed my story. I removed the magazine and handed them the gun and magazine.  My unit arrived immediately when Cavanaugh was notified. Cavanaugh called me. He told me  I would  be on paid leave for three to five days. I asked him to have Frankie to go tell Maura what happened so she wouldn't freak out.  He should catch her after her second surgery. I told him once I got dressed in warmer in
Clothes and Maura's house was secured I would come in to   speak with Internal Affairs.

The house was secured in an hour but my Korsak and Frost stayed to lock up after forensics came by to obtain evidence. Korsak he said he would have a crew come in tomorrow to clean up the blood etcetera.  I asked Frost to "pack several days of clothes for Maura and I and take them to the guest cottage  and the food from the freezer, refrigerator and snacks from the pantry." I got this all cleared before they did it.

I was enroute to Internal Affairs and Frankie was waiting for Maura to get out of her morning surgeries. The chief of surgeries found another surgeon that we swipe shifts with at times to take over Maura's afternoon surgeries. Maura was ticked why she was pulled from her afternoon surgeries  until she saw Dr. Freeman. He was scrubbing up and had no idea what was going on when Maura asked him. When I opened my door, and saw Frankie, my legs gave way and Frankie caught me and assisted me to my office couch. "FRANKIE IS SHE ALIVE,  HOW BAD IS SHE HURT?" "Maura Jane is safe, she is at Internal  Affairs being interviewed.  There waa a break in at your home this morning.  A lady you once dated I gather came to kill you.This is all I know right now. I am to take you to the precinct since it was your home.  My colleagues will have questions for you.  You can drive yourself or I can drive you and I can make arrangements for your vehicle to be taken to your home. You choose, but we got to go now. Jane said for you to bring your lunch with you." "Frankie I will go with you. My mercedes is the doctors parking lot. It should be safe. If not, my insurance will cover it." Maura was thinking not only about herself and Jane. 
"Frankie please do a wellness check on Stephanie Logan, here is her business card with her private cell on the back. Samantha was her ex girlfriend. I am not sure if your sister disclosed to you the incident in Miami with us all. Please go check on her." Frankie called in the information and had an a unit to take this lady in to be interviewed.  "Maura while this investigation is going on you cannot communicate with this lady under no circumstances."  Maura nodded as she understood. Stephanie arrived a few minutes before we did. Frankie informed her she cannot communicate with Maura nor Jane while the case is an opened an active case. Maura followed me to a room and the detectives assigned to the case started asking her  questions. How she knew the deceased and has she had communication with her in the past year.  Maura felt like shit disclosing her personal life.  She kept thinking about Jane.  NEWLY LESBIAN AND THIS SHIT HAPPENS. Maura was afraid she might lose Jane because of her past was fucking up her present relationship once again. Maura was feeling light headed and starting eating lunch that Jane prepared for her. Maura was done with her interview. They told her not to leave Boston without approval from the police department and district attorney. Frankie had just finished speaking with Jane.  "Maura Jane is enroute to take you back to your cottage. You cannot re - enter your home. It is homicide scene now. This was overwhelming her too much that she took two tylenol. She called her chief and told her she would be taking the rest of the week off. He completely understood. She called Daniel thanked him and told him it was Samantha.  " Maura I am glad Jane was there not you. Samantha as we both know was unstable.  I was so glad when you ended your engagement with her. Maura if you need anything call me and your welcome." Stephanie came out and just mouthed to me she was sorry.  Jane arrived and hugged me. "Baby I am glad I was the one home and you had early rounds.  You could of been there. We will talk more when we get to the cottage. MA has already called to check on me. She left our dinner and dessert she picked up at the cottage with Frost earlier. Let's go home babe. I love you Maura  Dorthea Isles." " Jane Clementine Rozzoli I love you too. Let's go back to the cottage." We took a long bath holding each other and grateful that we both were alive. " Jane I know are relationship has been moving at a face pace. I had this customized for you. I realized today I want tp do this now instead of waiting next month.  Jane I have seen that today either one of us could been killed. I want you as my wife for better or worse. We can  have whatever type of wedding desires..please say yes" "Maura I am not say yes nor no. Please allow us to table this until tomorrow.  I haven't told you everything.  I am emotionally drained. There are some details about today before I give you my answer.  Can we just cuddle and talk tomorrow.? I  do love you baby." Yes, i know you been through an ordeal.  I love you too. "

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