Improving OurHealth

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I went to the range to get my frustrations out healthy until I can meet with my new therapist and Dr. Lintz next week. I met up with Frankie at the range, shot for awhile and went for lunch. "Jane what is really going on? You conference call all of us saying you are engaged and want only you time with Maura. Me being here is not me time."

"Frankie I said yes but now realizing that I may have said yes to quickly.  Maura has alot of abandonment issues that I didn't realize until this morning.  We agreed that we will work on ourselves before we get married. By the way, we want you to take all the pictures." "Jane you two met and became lovers quickly and now live together all under a year.  I was given permission to watch the video and heard your conversation with Samantha. Are you thinking maybe Maura still has feelings for Stephanie and only asked you to Marry her because she is afraid to lose you?" "Frankie I really do love her and want her to be wife but yah I am hesitant.  She says she got closure from Stephanie when we were in Miami. I had a nightmare and woke up in  a cold sweat. All the time,  Maura have shared the same bed, I never heard her talking in her sleep. What she said in her sleep, I don't know if it was a fantasy or a nightmare.  We spoke this morning and cuddled but I never told her I heard her talking in her sleep and what she stated." "Jane you have alot to think about and I encourage you to be honest with her conversation she had while asleep and go from there. I love you and will always be here for my big sis. I got to get going I have a date with the veterinarian again and yes, I like her." We said our goodbyes and headed back home to find Maura not there and no note. I decided in the meantime, I  would go for a swim.

Maura met with Tamara Ludt her new therapist. She listened to my concerns and gave me an assignment before our next appointment next week.
I returned home and heard someone in the pool. I saw it was Jane.  I placed my purse at the table and took off my heels. I sat down and just had my feet and part of my legs in the water.  Jane saw me and swam towards me. "Maura you okay, I returned and you weren't here. I know you need your space too, so I didn't want to call or text you." " Babe I  am okay , I heard what you said about my abandonment issues.  I  found a therapist, Tamara Lundt, and met with her already. I have an assignment to do before I meet with her next week. Jane how was your therapy at the gun range?"

"Baby I called Frankie to meet me at the range.  We stayed there for awhile and had lunch afterwards.  We had a good talk. Before I get into about us, Frankie has another date with Joe Friday's veterinarian.  I think they are getting serious.  To back to us. When I woke up from my nightmare, you were in your own nightmare or fantasy with Stephanie wanting to get back with her and you didn't know how to break it to me , because we recently became engaged." "Jane I don't recall my dream but rest assured I have no desire to get back with her. My future is with you only."
Jane got out of the pool and helped me up. Jane went to take a shower while I started on dinner for us. I made us some Thai food. We ate and watched netflix. Maura turned on the fire place and we went to sleep cuddling with one another.

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