Privacy Matters

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Jane and I got up and Jane packed her bags. I had no problem Jane staying with.  I enjoyed her company even if we were haven't sexual relations all the time.  This was new to both of us as, more so with Jane. I haven't brought up to her my feelings about her keeping our new change in our relationship private.  I know privacy matters, but I was grown and already came out 'of the closet ' I felt she was pushing me back in and this bothered me. Tomorrow this will be addressed in the assignment that Dr. Lintz asked us to do.I knew Dr. Lintz would soon be encouraging Jane to seek out a non medical therapist just by the assignment she gave us. Dr. Lintz wants to see how the assignment impacts her before she refers her to out to a therapist.

Jane did a yoga with me in my studio. She was than willing to accommodate me on some of my activities.
Jane showed me several easier poses to try which weren't bad so I wouldn't hurt myself. I saw the caring and tender side of Maura that many didn't get to see. Maura was s little more reserved in some areas and very outgoing in others. I had a nagging feeling last night bothered her, but I didn't know how to bring it up without getting defensive and hurting her. I added that part in my individual assignment. I was looking forward to my session with Dr.  Lintz tomorrow. I was hoping she could help us come to a compromise so we both can be happy.

We went for a swim after yoga so I can stretch more that is easier for me to do. We played marco polo in the pool for awhile and Joe Friday joined in the fun. I knew Maura would have the pool guy come tomorrow to do an extra cleaning.  We played for awhile.  While, I gave Joe Friday a bath outside and dried him off before he re entered Maura's home. Maura felt like making stew for tonight.  We didn't need to have salad,  since this stew was filled with lots of vegetable.  Maura was an excellent cook. My best was making a few pasta dinners that my nani taught me over the years.  Jane had some crackers on the side for us.  None of drank alcohol only ice team. I has a second serving of the vegetable stew. 
I helped Maura to clean up the kitchen.  We relaxed on the couch.  Jane and I had the same interest in mystery novels.  We picked up several from the book store. I layed in her lap and we took turns reading it. We read seven chapters and decided it was time for bed. Maura had two surgeries scheduled before we were to meet with Dr. Lintz. I snuggled up to Maura and kissed her goodnight before we fell asleep for the night.

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