First day of many more

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I drove Jane to her first psychiatric appoint. I waited in the lobby and used this time to reply to several emails.

Dr.Lintz was able to reassure their sessions were confidential but the usual basic reasons she wouldn't, if she made a threat towards someone, harming herself etc. She asked several basic questions to find out why Jane was here and what she wanted to gain from their sessions. She did inform her that she may prescribe her a medication if a need arose.

Jane stated, "I  want to move past my anger and night mares from that horrible time in my life." Dr. Lintz ended their session there. "Jane initially I would like to meet you twice a week for an hour. If more time is needed,  we can add more sessions." Jane thanked her for her honesty, shook her hand and left.  Maura didn't ask me how it went which I appreciated that she was giving allowing me time to think. This is what another trait of our newly friendship I was appreciative.

Maura said her treat to one of her favorites bistros nearby.  I was noticing Maura liked to healthy alot and the cost didn't matter to her. Maura ordered a few seafood platter with broccoli and asparagus with risotto and a glass of Rosé. She asked for water with slice of lemon.  I ordered a veal steak, baked potato with the works and a side salad with french dressing with an ale beer and ice tea.
We asked each other questions about our elementary,  junior high and high school years. Our education was polar opposites. Maura was sent to a private all girl school in a total different country from her adoptive parents.  I attended public schools and played softball and basketball.
We finished with tiramisu. 
We decided to go for a walk by the bistro. MAURA made me laugh alot because she was analytical but very nerdy.  While walking, we came upon a bakery being renovated but still open. I bought us several slices of velvet cake, carrot cake and a lemon meringue pie to bring back with us to Maura's home. While I was paying for our desserts one of my ex boyfriend came behind me and picked me up. "Maura this goof ball is Larry Freeman, we were high school sweethearts." Maura left for a few to give us some alone time to converse. I departed the bakery and looked for Maura. I Iaughed when I saw her at the cash register paying for what appeared to be several pair of shoes. Thank goodness her mercedes wasn't too far. She had four bags of shoes. I carried one bag and the desserts. Maura definitely like fine heels. We returned and she modeled all the heels she purchased. I helped her carry them upstairs. I never went in her closet.  She opened her closet.  Geez her closet was the size of my bedroom and kitchen. She had several shelves just set aside for her heels only. Her taste in clothing was exquisite and very expensive. Her wardrobe alone could fiance a third world country. We went out on her deck and relaxinf drinking raspberry ice tea. Today's day she made very relaxing for me.
Later in the evening Maura went to her yoga studio built in her home and did her yoga while I watched another sox game. The game was half way over when she joined me on the couch bringing us some fiji water. We had salads with french bread for dinner and ate the slices of desserts with expressos. Tonight was her turn to ask me about my sibling relationships. She laughed so much that night which was nice to see, since I noticed she was more serious type of person.  We ended our evening watching one of her favorites, the note book with a fire in the background to keep me warm. She fell asleep leaning against me. We slept the entire night downstairs on the couch. We both woke up noticing we ended up laying down next to one another and her stil cuddling with me.

COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें