11 | "Connection"

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Miyoko had been standing at the bar pouring shots over and over for the strippers who had to go on stage. They always made sure they weren't sober because it made them feel better and it was Miyoko's job to provide the liquor for them. She had officially been working for two weeks and she hated it besides the average pay she got and tips she received by the end of the night.

Her first day had gone by smoothly for her since it was training but the week after was the real work. Constantly she had to deal with the thirsty men and women with their stank attitudes. To make the job even harder for her some days she wasn't able to work with Amirah due to their different schedules. Miyoko worked everyday except Tuesdays and Thursdays and only worked with Amirah two days out of the rest of her five days.

Miyoko hated the fact she had to wear skimpy and revealing clothing certain days but she had to suck it up because she wasn't going to quit, she needed the money. Not to mention she had to walk around in 4 inch heels. The only person besides Amirah who made Miyoko's day go by smoother was one the strippers by the name of Dawn who she learned real name was Syren. She was a cool Twenty-Four year old who had a caramel complexion and she had a brown pixie cut sort of similar to Halle Berry's in the early 90s.

Miyoko looked up at the clock on the wall as the hand struck ten which was her break. She had a thirty minute break and got off around midnight depending on if the staff was short. Miyoko sighed in relief as took a seat on one of the stools by the bar, placing her heels on the counter.

"Someone looks exhuasted." Miyoko turned her head to see Amirah standing there. She must've just got in for her shift.

"That's because I am." Miyoko concurred while rubbing her aching feet. She wasn't used to wearing heels she was more of a tennis shoe kind of girl. "You try picking up extra shifts for a longer pay check."

"Yep that seems exhausting. You're a strong girl." Amirah wasn't complaining about her paycheck or hours because she had other sources of income. From her parents to Oscar she was pretty much stable. In all honesty she didn't need this job at all soon enough she would quit to become an assistant for her mom and then she'd soon take over in her mother's place. Amirah was only working to be motivation to Miyoko.

"What time do you think you'll be home?" Miyoko asked curiously. She hated being alone in the house by herself. It was scary at night and she was just an over thinker.

"Five in the fucking morning. These alcoholic tricks swear they need shots every damn hour. A bitch be having to take a few shots herself and then these thirty ass niggas. Booy I tell you." She threw her head back receiving a chuckle out of Miyoko. "I almost had to buss a nigga with my heel. He called himself trying to come around the counter."

"Are you serious?" Her mouth dropped opened and stunned at what she was hearing. It was a shame some of these men really let the alcohol in their system control their temptations at the women in the club. Then they get roughed up by security and act clueless to their actions.

"Dead serious." Amirah rolled her eyes just thinking about it. "Thank god Randy was there to escort his ass out." She referred to the bouncer of the club.

Miyoko felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to be faced with the owner of Blue Streak; Chrissy Pearl. Miyoko smiled with a raised eyebrow looking at her. "There's a call for you." She announced as Miyoko looked from her to Amirah back to her.

"For me?" Miyoko asked as Chrissy nodded her head. Miyoko grabbed her heels placing them back on before she walked over to the phone. She couldn't think of anyone calling her. Nobody knew she worked at Blue Streak except herself and Amirah. She placed the phone to her ear and said, "Hello, this is Miyoko."

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