06| "Comfortable"

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It was ten o'clock and Miyoko had less than two hours to get herself ready. It was more of a surprise to her that Amirah was up this early along with her. Miyoko set her alarm clock to wake her up at a specific time because she didn't want to be inconsiderate. She knew if she didn't she would've most likely woke up hours later and whenever she had something planned she wanted to be there on time. She hated when people gave specific directions and didn't follow along with it. She would also hate if Arlante showed up minutes after the time they arranged because it has happened to her before.

Miyoko sat Indian style on her bed as she watched Amirah go through her closet full of clothes. Once, she had told her about the call with Arlante and the lunch they had scheduled Amirah wasted no time rushing over to her house. If anyone was an expert on men it was Amirah and she had to help her friend out.

Miyoko wasn't stunting Amirah and her antics because whatever she picked out for her she was not going to wear. It was a regular lunch and a simple T-shit and Jeans would do for her. She did not want to be all dressed up just for them to be going to ghetto ass Ralph's diner.

Amirah smiled turning around to face Miyoko holding up a short strapless dress. Miyoko immediately shook her head and Amirah rolled her eyes dropping the dress on the floor, she turned around looking for another piece of clothing.

"Mirah, were going to Ralph's diner not walking the red carpet." Miyoko informed her friend who turned around with a nonchalant expression. She was disappointed with her friends choice of words. She figured Miyoko had thought about what she said and was going for it, she wanted Miyoko to give him more of a reason to do a song with her. She didn't care if it was Ralph's or Mcdonalds everyday was a fashion show and it was Miyoko's first time out on a date. "I also don't wanna be bothered by the men there for being overdressed."

"You do realize that men are everywhere and they're gonna stare at you regardless. Thirsty niggas stand at every corner in Houston."

"Still..." Miyoko shrugged her shoulder standing up, snatching the dress out Amirah's hand that she pulled out. "I don't wanna give them the satisfaction that I'm checking for them." Of course she didn't do shit for male attention but no matter what they always thought women did shit for them. You go out to the store with makeup they automatically think you looking for attention, you dress up for the grocery story; you're automatically looking for attention which is never the case.

"Alright, fine because I know whatever I choose you aint gone wear." Amirah dropped the dress and Miyoko chuckled looking at the mess she made with the pile of clothes. "How do you expect this date to go?" Amirah plopped down on the bed.

"I told you it is not a date." Miyoko wrinkled her nose up as she took a seat next to Amirah.

"Just because you remove date and replace it with lunch doesn't mean it aint a date—He didn't call you everyday for nothing he likes you."

"No he doesn't like me." Miyoko said as she got ready to correct her friend. "...He likes my looks, the idea of a me, there's a difference."

"Doesn't everyone start out liking someone from how they look? There can't be no kind of relationship if you aren't attracted to each other."

"As If." She shook her head with a chuckle. "Atlante is cute and all but I wouldn't take something as far as a relationship with him just because of his appearance. I need more than that." She shrugged her shoulders. "Everyone can have a pretty or handsome face and be just that. What's the point of a relationship if their ain't no persona...chemistry."

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