30 | "Hurt The Same"

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At the end of the day the show must go on. That was the motto Miyoko had to live by if she wanted to make ends meet. It was hard being away from her partner during the difficult time but she couldn't opt out last minute on a performance. She was scheduled to perform on good morning America located in New York. Times Square to be exact.

She was going to be a busy woman for the week. After her night in New York she had to fly back to Houston.

She was attending a fundraiser that she supported by donating $80,000 dollars. It was an organization to help women who experienced domestic violence and needed help getting by on their own. Miyoko was beyond ecstatic to help out because she was a woman and she once was out on her ass. Everyone deserved a roof over their head.

Having this fundraiser was one of the things she wanted to accomplish with the money she had. She had enough that could be shared between herself and those in need. She loved giving back and this was just one part of her giving back journey.

Of course she had plans to give back to those in Houston who were homeless and children who weren't able to receive gifts and support during holidays like Christmas and etc.

The only thing keeping her mind unfocused was Ste'ce. Whenever she went she was seeing him. Whether it was a promotion for his upcoming boxing match or his Armani campaign. It was overwhelming and the last person she needed to see.

Typically when people had a fling with another person they'd' blow up a persons phone or do unusual things that shouldn't happen especially if one person is in a relationship. Sometimes Miyoko thought she'd get a call or paged by Ste'ce but it was never the case. He wasn't a chaser and he wasn't going to chase Miyoko.

That was her thing about him before. He didn't show interest as often as other guys would when they wanted to show her they were interested. They did what they did and she didn't hear from him. She had a boyfriend so she was okay with it until she wasn't. This was the second time she had slipped up and slept with Ste'ce under the circumstances.

Arlante had went to Houston and didn't even call her for two days straight. She felt horrible. She cried for those two days until she decided to get up and make a visit to Ste'ces. There was never a thought in her mind did she think going there would end off with her clothes off and him penetrating her in his kitchen. That was never her motive.

His words "anything you wanna cum you know where to find me" played through her mind on the drive to his home. Never did she think he was being serious. Yet again everything about Ste'ce was serious. She had called his bluff but at the end of the day he got her where he wanted.

In the moment it felt right. It always did. Arlante was in the back of her mind the entire time but once she felt Ste'ces lips on her own that all went out the window. Before she had went to Ste'ce there was a thought in her mind that Arlante had been cheating on her. Even though he told her the number was Randy's she still had doubts. The number didn't even have a name on it. Who gave someone their number without putting a name on it?

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