16| "Only Time Will Tell"

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It was a few days after Miyoko's altercation at the club. Randy insisted on taking Miyoko to the hospital but she declined. She was never too fond of the hospital and just wanted to go home. They would've most likely kept her over night and that's not what she wanted.

Instead of going back to her parents house she found her way to Amirah's. Some days Keena stayed up later than usually and she didn't know how Keena would react once she saw how awful she looked. When she got to Amirah's luckily the only person home at the time was her. Amirah and Randy had aided Miyoko to help with her injuries.

Amirah was infuriated at the fact Aimee really took it upon herself to jump Miyoko. Was she really that much of a threat that she needed three other girls to help with the attack? Of course something like that happened on the day she didn't come into work. She asked about Dawn and her whereabouts since Miyoko spoke to her a lot at the club. She was going to get on her until she learned that Dawn was out sick.

The only issues with Miyoko's body that transpired after the club were the constant headaches she received. She had problems with her ribs but kept them iced most of the time to help with the swelling. She had both a bruised lip and eye that faded away each day. The whole situation broke her heart but it crushed her not to know the real reason Aimee attacked her that night.

Miyoko laid with her back against Arlante's hard chest with his arm wrapped around her as he rubbed her arm. They were laying down in on Miyoko's room as the theme song for Hey Arnold drifted from the television playing in front of them. Keena was at work so it was the perfect time to have alone time with her boyfriend without any distractions from Keena. Amina had a friend over so Miyoko was giving her space to have time with her friend. Keena was allowing the girl to spend the weekend.

"Thank you." Miyoko said, biting the inside of her cheek. She was thankful for Arlante and his comfort. She needed it at this time.

"You know I always got you, Goldi."

It took less than two days for Arlante to make his way down to Houston once he got word about the fight at the club. It not only upset him when he heard about Miyoko being involved but when he found out she had been jumped by four bitches. Miyoko was a small girl and four bitches jumping on her ain't sit right with him.

When he stayed out in Houston he usually just stayed with his mom. He didn't have enough funds to afford a place in both Houston and California. Hopefully when his career jumped off he could do that but for the meantime he was okay with staying with his mom. The only issue he ever ran into was Donovan.

He had just arrived in Houston that morning and his first stop was Miyoko's. He had spent the whole morning with her. He was sure Miyoko probably had never been in a fight a day in her life. All of it was new to her.

"What Chrissy had to say about everything that went down?"

Miyoko sighed, thinking back to her conversation with Chrissy in the locker room. Chrissy never said it directly out of her mouth but she knew she had been picking sides. Aimee had been working there longer than she had and she was more popular. Who was Miyoko in the club compared to Aimee's position?

"She basically told me I could continue working there but If me and Aimee can't come to an agreement then I should just quit." Miyoko muttered, sadly.

"That's what she told you?" Arlante squinted with his eyes, scrunching up his face in agitation. He didn't like the way Chrissy worded it. He could understand why Chrissy felt that way since Aimee was their most popular stripper but she should at least get some kind of retribution for her poor actions.

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