23| "Hello Again"

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                     Dec 1995'

"You want to go for a dramatic glam or do you want it to look natural?" Amirah questioned, standing in front of Miyoko who was in the process of getting her makeup done.

"I guess we can do dramatic. That's the kind of look Mahogany wanted to go with anyway for the record."

It had been a busy week for Miyoko. She had so many errands to run in order to be prepared for her schedule. She and Mahogany an white American singer were doing the photoshoot for their record. Not only were they doing the cover for their record but the music video also. Mahogany was the type of artist who when she puts something out she wants everything to be done right along with it. Whenever she released a record she made sure she had a music video to go with it and her cover art also.

Mahogany was a big deal in the music industry and Miyoko was honored to have the chance at working with her. She was very big and if their record was a hit it would give boost Miyoko's career. If Mahogany's audience loved her then she could potentially have a larger fan base.

Harvey was always around for Miyoko but unfortunately he couldn't be there for the photoshoot. He had a lot of running around to do seeing as Miyoko wasn't his only client. He still had to manage U.N.I.T.Y. He wasn't too worried about Miyoko because he got everything done for her that he needed to do. The plans with Mahogany were In action and that should be Miyoko's main focus. Harvey was looking forward to this single. It would push for more exposure, awards and potentially a grammy nominee.

"Speaking of her where is she?" Amirah raised an eyebrow before checking the time on the round clock hanging up on the wall. It was nine o'clock in the morning and Mahogany was supposed to be there for 8:30. Amirah could already tell Mahogany was going to be the kind of artist who did things on her time because of her status. She was rich and famous and she wasn't on anyones time but her own.

"She should be on her way. We're in no rush so it's fine."

"Kind of unprofessional if you ask me." Amirah shrugged before inspecting the hairstylist and how good she was at wand curling. Amirah couldn't use any curling tool to save her life. It was a good thing they were able to do her hair and makeup at the same time.

"It's okay. I'm not tripping." Miyoko chuckled, peeping the attitude her friend had. Amirah hated unprofessional people and she could care less how famous or how much money the had. If there was a set time for something you should follow it. Just because you had all this money didn't make you better than everyone.

She liked Mahogany's music but she hoped she wouldn't have to dislike her as a person.

"I've arrived and I come baring gifts."

Miyoko looked up into the mirror and smiled seeing her boyfriend walking over to them with a bunch of shopping bags in his hands. She smirked, playfully rolling her eyes. Sometimes she hated when he spent money on unnecessary things. Half the time he bought so much things for her she had a least two of the same things.

"Hey, baby." Arlante leaned down, pecking her lips. "Wassup y'all." He greeted her makeup artist, hair stylist and Amirah.

"Hey, A. How's it going?" The makeup artist by the name of Sheila gave him a quick hug.

Her usual makeup artist and hairstylist were people of Arlante's choice. He knew them growing up and the hairstylist by the name of Kendra was a girl around their age who worked in Dawn's mothers salon. Claudia was a regular customer and Kendra had the magic touch when it came to her hands so she recommended her to Arlante. Arlante went to school with Kendra and knew her from around the way so he had no problem with hooking her up with a legit job.

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