20| "Flip a Switch"

277 17 1

      Sep. 1995'
6 months after album release

6 months. It had been six months since Miyoko dropped her debut album Solitaire. She never imagined so much could happen in a span of six months. She had spent her seven months working on the album back in 1994 and couldn't believe the outcome of her album. She never thought it was possible to be in the position that she was. She didn't mean to doubt herself but people like her never made it out of where they came from.

There were a lot of people she could thank for the outcome of the success of her album. The first being god and the last two being Arlante and her now manager Harvey Clyde. If it weren't for those two men nothing would've been possible.

Harvey presented to her the idea of letting him manage her. Miyoko was honored that he wanted to represent her. He was doing a good job with Unity and there was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't have done a good job for her. Back in June Unity had been nominated for the billboard music award as best rap song. They were up there with many other talented rap groups such as The Wu-Tang Clan, Outkast, Mobb Deep and Etc.

Unity knew there wasn't a chance in hell they'd come close to winning the award with such other talented artist in their category. All their worries stopped once they heard their name being called for best rap song. It didn't just stop there. Last month they won their first source award for best new rap group. A lot of people were mad about it so there wasn't much love given like they had got at billboards. They didn't give a fuck though. The fans knew the real.

Before Miyoko officially dropped her album Arlante released her first single And I. No later than two weeks it ran the charts for number one. It was her first number one hit ever. All the promoting paid off when she was hit with her first hit record deal from Pontiac Records. They were offering the most and their deal made sense so she took it. Well Harvey convinced her to. Once they pushed Miyoko's image with photo shoots for her album cover and pushing a date on her album, Miyoko was set. Pontiac records were trying not to make a one hit wonder so they wasted no time dropping a debut album for Miyoko. It had already been in the works and a little convincing from Harvey set the deal.

It was all happening so fast for her. She couldn't believe she was accomplishing her dreams. She was becoming the next big thing. She was the hottest female rapper on the streets. Her album was climbing the charts trying to reach that number one stop being that it was apart of the top twenty hits. The only problem was she had a little competition. Another female rapper by the of Sadity was climbing the charts with her. Everyone else was so worried, but not Miyoko. Everyone deserved to eat and she wasn't going to hate on another female rapper just because her album was climbing just as high as hers.

Miyoko was starting to realize how much work she had to put in for her music career. There was never a day off. She barely got time to herself. She was busy with photo shoots, performances and maintaining her relationship with family and friends and Arlante. It was hard juggling everything at once but for the most part everyone understood.

The agenda for the week was her first interview coming up. She had many interviews lined up but her first big one was an interview for Video Soul with Donnie Simpson. She could remember watching him back in the late 80s. Did she imagine she would ever be up there with him? Never. She was nervous to say the least.

The door bell to Arlante's new two story home rang as Miyoko stood up racing to the door. You're probably wondering why Arlante upgraded from his old apartment in California to just a two story house. The thing was he was only renting the house out for the meantime. He was in the process of finalizing the paperwork to a 6,000 square foot mansion in Calabasas. Though the house was being leased by Arlante's label Legacy Records.

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