19| "Out With The Old, In With The New"

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                       Jan. 1st 1995'

It had been five months since Miyoko had been out in California. Five long months where she had been working on her debut album day and night. Sometimes it got overwhelming because that's all she had time to do. That's all she put her time into. She was dedicated and serious about her album. She had the attention from the features from Unity's album so it was the perfect time. Arlante was about his business and if Miyoko wanted to release the album within two months she needed to put the work in.

The process hadn't been that difficult besides Arlante wanting everything to be perfect. If she didn't say a part of her verse with too much bass or energy he wanted her to re-do it. Miyoko didn't mind because it showed her cared. He put In just as much effort for her as he did himself.

The only time she wasn't in the studio working is when Arlante had arranged meeting times with another artist he recently began producing for by the name of Dee-Dee. He was an upcoming rapper from around the way. Arlante had heard of him and fucked with a CD Dee had played for him. Instead of giving Dee a price he let Dee pay up whatever he had at the moment. So whenever he wasn't occupied with Miyoko he was working with Dee.

January 1st Miyoko woke up not feeling too good. She woke up and Arlante wasn't there this morning. It was overwhelming because she felt lonely and it was the first time in twenty years where she wasn't able to visit her parents grave yard. Everything had sounded so perfect with moving to California to start her career that she forgot all about her tradition every year.

She didn't know how long her stay in Los Angeles would be which meant she didn't know when she'd see her parents. She didn't want to feel like she was letting them down. After all she had always wanted to move away from Houston since she was a little kid but her mind semi-changed after her parents passed. But once she got older she realized there wasn't much in Houston for her. No opportunities, no second chances, nothing.

The only thing that happened to cheer her up was when she got a call from Juicy inviting her out to go shopping and to have a brunch date. She was always busy working that she only had hung out with Juicy about three times.

"How are you liking it out here so far?" Miyoko asked Juicy as they explored the Chanel store. Miyoko was just window shopping for the most part. Her budget for the moment wasn't really Chanel quality. Usually if she got any designer items it came from Arlante.

"Way better then, Houston. It's way more exciting out here and I actually got shit to look forward to." Juicy replied, looking at a bunch of tops on a clothing rack. "The only problem is these lame ass hoes out here. I be wanting to smack so many of them but I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. I already got a felony and I don't need anymore."

"Yeah we definitely don't need anymore of those." Miyoko chuckled. "I like that bag over there." Miyoko pointed to a pink Chanel bag that was stored inside a glass door.

Juicy turned around to see the bag Miyoko was looking at. They walked over to the glass with all the different variety of bags hanging up. "So get it. Don't tell me Arlante got you on a budget."

"I don't use his money. Those bags sell for like a thousand dollars even more. I don't got that kind of money to spend right now."

"That's why you use his." Juicy looked at Miyoko with a strange look on her face. "You telling me you're going shopping and he didn't give you his card to use? Or do you just not want to use it just because you don't want to look like a gold digger?"

"Well to be honest he doesn't even know I'm hanging out with you. He's been at the studio working with a new artist and he left out earlier than usual."

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