Chapter 23 - Side Effects

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Hello everyone! It's been a while 😅

I had a bit of conflict with the book as I just blanked for ideas but as of late, it's starting to return back to me! I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. I love you all for staying so loyal to my book. I can't thank y'all enough for the support.

Enjoy a new chapter!!!! This one is a filthy one because I miss writing that stuff lmao, I'm sorry if it's too much for y'all.

"I'm so so sorry James."

"Sorry? Are you fucking serious? He essentially tried to assault you and YOU'RE SORRY?" He yelled over the phone in absolute disbelief.

"I.. I don't know what to say."

"You shouldn't be sorry. My son is deranged. He honestly deserved more than 10 fucking years. I'll be at every single one of his parole hearings, that's a promise. I don't want to see him again. I don't want him anywhere near us."

"I just feel bad because-"

"You're an empath. You're just like your mother. Even in a time where you've been caused grief, you feel bad because my son who abused you is in prison. I don't give a fuck about him anymore. He's certainly NOT my son. Don't feel bad for me. It will take some time to process but this isn't your fault. Now it's getting late over here, I have a 4am start on the kill floor tomorrow. I love you, Celia. Take care alright? And take your meds!!"

"Don't worry, I have a family medicine physician as a boyfriend. I can't skip my meds even if I tried."

"THAT'S DAMN RIGHT, DON'T YOU FORGET IT." Mike yells from the bathroom. James and I chuckled to each other and said our last goodbyes. As I hung up, Mike comes out of the bathroom with his damp hair and a towel around his waist.

"What's the verdict?"

"10 years. He's eligible for parole at 7 but James is determined to keep him in there. The court also declared an automatic AVO as well. Even if he gets out, he can't set foot within 100 meters of me. It's an immediate break of parole too."

"10 years isn't that much though... Fucking assholes." He muttered under his breath.

"I'm not fussed. I don't have the mentality to worry about that anymore. I'd rather just move on and heal."

"Good, good. I'm gonna head out to the grocery store, I won't be long. Maybe 15 minutes? Did you wanna come?"

"Nah, I'm good here. I'll just chill out with Bear for the time being. But don't take too long."

"I won't. I promise." His smile beamed at me as he dropped his towel to get changed. I just stared at him in pure admiration and a whole lot of lust. Do you ever look at someone and they just get so unbelievably more attractive every time you look at them?

After he dressed himself in a plain long sleeve shirt that accentuated his biceps in just the right way and  a pair of skinny jeans that almost had ME fall over, he left. I haven't seen legs so thick fit into something so fitted, it almost looks like his muscular thighs are about to burst the seams. Fuck, it's hot in here.

I made my way to the bedroom and laid on the bed, just reminiscing on the sight on of one of the hottest people on the planet.

"My god, what is happening to me?" I sighed and laughed to myself as lust kept building in my body. It almost felt so unnatural. I picked up my phone and called my shrink in case this was a sign my medication was interfering with something else.

"Felicia, didn't expect a call from you. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah! Yeah I'm actually really good.. A bit too good. My libido is soaring and my side effect list didn't note it? Is this something I should be worried about?"

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