Chapter 6 - Awkward

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It was the morning after the intense and unexpected night I just had. I felt so incredibly sore from the waist down. It was difficult to get out of bed. I looked beside where I slept and Mike was not in the bed but it appears he left a text on my phone before he left.

Hey Celia, I wanted to stay until you had woken up but I had an emergency patient call. I'll hopefully see you at work xx.

Now that it's the next morning and I didn't have all that adrenaline running through me, phasing away my fear factor, now I'm a little more anxious. I just slept with a co-worker who I didn't know all too well at the start. I loved it but is this gonna be a fling thing? I'm not really good at having fling things. I'd rather... well.. not fling things.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door where I find both of my neighbors at my door once again.

"We figured after last night, you were gonna sleep in longer so we got you some breakfast." Dani smiled widely, almost trying her best not to laugh. She handed me a warm plastic bag and as grateful as I was, I was confused about what they were referring to.

"We were going to give you these as well but we didn't think it was appropriate to interrupt." Kate smiled even wider than the blonde girlfriend of hers, handing me a... a box of condoms?


"These walls are paper thin, Felicia. You're quite a screamer." 

I immediately went dark red. They heard us?! Who else in the apartment building heard us? Were we that loud?

"What are you two doing with male condoms." I retorted, clearly intensely embarrassed.

"Never you mind that. You need to tell us what happened." Dani and Kate walked in, sitting down at the table as I closed the door. I sat down with them and shrugged.

"I don't really know what happened." I chuckled.

"We ate some dinner, talked, he was gonna leave but then I kinda just went for it. I didn't... I didn't even know what I was going for, I guess I just had some underlying sexual tension." I shook my head as I recollected the night before. It all sounds so ludacris. 

"By the sounds of it, it was worth it." Kate chuckled lightly.

"I mean, it was really good. Never had such a better fuck in my life, I'll tell you that. I just don't know where I stand with him now, it makes me a little uneasy."

"Well, he likes you right? He brought you flowers and spent last night with you!" 

"It's not really about whether he likes me or not. Like I don't know if we're friends or if we're automatically obliged to be a non-exclusive thing, or even exclusive at all. It's all so much."

Dani held my hand as she smiled.

"Dude, you shouldn't worry about that right now. You should acknowledge that you're officially back in the game. You might actually find a guy here." She chuckled with excitement. 

We decided to eat breakfast while I went a bit more into the depth of last night. After we all ate and my neighbors had dispersed back into their own place. I walked to work with a weird feeling. I didn't know what to expect. I was lucky to go most of the day without seeing Mike but unfortunately, he had paged me up to cardiology. It's not like I didn't want to see Mike, I just want to hide.

"Doctor Mike." I smiled awkwardly as I went up to the desk he was in. 

"Hey, Celia." He smiled back, looking pretty happy as he turned around.

"I have some things I need you to fax off to a few people. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not. That's what I do." I nodded, grabbing the pile of papers he had handed me. I looked them over before nodding again.

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