Chapter 5 - Cheering Up

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Hello, my loves! I hope you're liking the book so far. If you have any suggestions to make it better, lemme know!

Now I'm putting an author note here because there's some naughty stuff going on toward the end of this chapter so be aware for that in case that's not your thing!

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


"M-Mike? How did you find me?" I asked, sniffling a little bit. Mike stood there in his dark maroon scrubs with a small bouquet of roses.

"I guessed. I asked around and eventually ran into this girl named Dani in the lobby? She told me where to find you. I-I thought you could use some cheering up so I brought some flowers." He chuckled with a smile. "A-also my company if you want it."

His smile faded as he saw my red, puffy eyes glistening with tears and my face smothered in gross liquidy snot.

"Are you okay? Did... Did I come at a bad time?" 

"No! No, no, no, you didn't. I uh, I could actually use a friend tonight. Please stay." My voice croaked. He nodded and stepped inside my apartment, placing the flowers down on a nearby table.

"They're really pretty, thank you." I smiled slightly, looking at the burst of red that sits on my table.

"I didn't know what flowers you would've liked so I went with a classic choice. I'm glad you like them." He smiled. He came and gave me a big hug, very similar to the one we had earlier today. After our hug, I made some tea and we talked. Well, mainly I spilled everything that's been bothering me and poor Mike had to listen. I did get to learn a bit about Mike too, he told me about how he was born in Russia, how he decided on med school and a bit about his family too. Turns out he, unfortunately, lost his Mum too. We definitely bonded over that or at least our connection got even the slightest bit stronger. It's easy to bond with another person who has felt similar pain or even the same pain in this case.

"I'm so sorry, here we are talking and you're probably starving! Where even are my manners." I shook my head and set down my tea at the table, standing up and walking to the kitchen. He followed close behind.

"Uh, I've been meaning to go grocery shopping I swear. Do you like eggs? I should have salmon in the fridge actually... Oh but I don't think I have any oil..." I frantically look through my kitchen.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't sweat. How about we order some food? My shout." Mike chuckled as he put both of his muscular hands on my shoulders as he stood behind me.

"I can't ask you to shout, you bought me flowers." I shook my head again, turning around to face him.

"C'mon, pleeeeease? Let me buy dinner." He whined like a little kid and smiled at me with that comforting smile of his.

"Fine but I'm cooking for you next time." 

"I'll take that deal. There's a diner around here that I can go pick up some food from, you like diner food?" 

"I've never had American diner food, I imagine Australian versions of diner food isn't really hard to beat." I giggled and shrugged. "Pick any burger on the menu and surprise me, I ain't fussy but if you don't get some chicken wings, I'll be mad."

"Too easy.  I'll be back in 15 minutes. Sit tight." He walked out the door and I couldn't help but smile at him. We haven't known each other long but he's just so sweet. I can't explain how it makes me feel. A knock sounded on the door but Mike just left? I imagine it's not him but who could it be? I answered the door cautiously and it was none other than my two neighbors.

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