Chapter 14 - A Day in the City

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Yo, you guys have been amazing with the support. I can't thank y'all enough. I went into writing this, really unsure of how it would turn out but so many of you seem to like it and now I come here, excited to write another chapter for you. Here's chapter 14! Enjoy my loves!!

Also, I haven't taken Russian in several years so all the Russian in this book might not be accurate lmao. Same with my Greek too, I haven't had an excuse to exercise my languages 😂

"What do you think Tony has against you?" Mike asked, putting a cup of herbal tea in front of me before sitting across from me. It was the following day since we landed in Canberra, Mike and I are spending our morning, talking at the dining table in the hotel room. James told me yesterday that Tony has this secret issue with me that apparently caused a wedge between him and Mum, causing all this fuss between him and I. It's hard to say I love him, he really does get on my nerves. I don't believe it when he says I love you, why should I? He only ever wants to be condescending and arrogant.

I shrugged as my hands wrapped around the warm mug. "If it's been an issue since my mother died then you'd expect me to know even a little bit about it. All this time and he won't tell me what his problem is."

"Does James know what it could be?" Mike took a long sip from his mug.

"Nah. He has no idea. He said he's going to try and get him to talk though. He said he's never seen us fight so badly and it's true, never would Tony and I fight so viciously. Since I moved away, he's just been so nasty."

"Do you think moving away had something to do with it? He misses you maybe?"

"I don't know. I doubt it. Anyway, I'm hoping today we can go somewhere without him showing up uninvited like the two occasions yesterday." I mumbled, sipping my hot tea. "I know one place you might like. It's truly a staple here in Canberra." I smiled cheekily with a giggle.

"Oh? I assume you're gonna keep it a surprise." Mike smiled, cocking his head go the side curiously.

"Absolutely but I'll give you a hint. It was the best thing science class had to offer in high school." I took another long sip from my tea once again as Mike had an intrigued look come across his face. I do remember him saying he really liked science, I mean he's a doctor too, what could go wrong with today?

I finished my tea and decided to make good use of the shower. Turning on the hot wanted and jumping in, feeling my muscles relax under the water was enough to make me feel so much better. After a few minutes of cleaning my body and washing the oily gunk out of my hair, Mike walked into the bathroom with nothing but a robe.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, taking his robe off and letting it drop to the floor, revealing his completely naked body.

"Be my guest." I smiled.

He stepped into the shower and stood under the hot water. His wet, muscular arms wrapped around me as he looked down at me with a sweet smile. I returned his smile, kissing him gently under the water. He pulled me into a comforting, safe hug, I laid my head on his toned chest with my arms wrapped around his body.

"Я люблю тебя моя дорогая девушка." He spoke softly, stroking my wet hair as water continued fo run through it.

I smiled and blushed. I love it when he speaks to me in his native tongue. Not in an erotic way necessarily but a loving way. It makes my heart melt. We often like to speak in different languages to each other, it's become one of our 'things' that we do.

"What does that mean, my love?" I asked him, looking up at his sparkling eyes with a soft smile.

"It means 'I love you, my darling girl'." His eyes meet mine, a loving expression coming upon his wet face.

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