Chapter 25 - Karma's a Bitch

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NOT Y'ALL GETTING MY BOOK GO 500 VOTES, you're too kind 🥰

This one's a bit short but of course next chapter will be soon!
*This chapter is from Mike's Point Of View*

"Okay pretty lady, we are done. You are not epileptic but I will be getting you a script for ethosuximide. It should be enough to control them should they appear more regularly but if not we might need to consider valproic acid but that is a very last resort as women tend to find birth defects and fertility abnormalities with it." Dr Atwal scribbled on a piece of paper before handing it over to me.

"40mg everyday to start. We can increase to 60mg if it's not effective."

"Thanks Dilshad." I thanked him, patting him on the back.

"Now I will be back with your discharge papers. Hang tight, folks."

As Dilshad left the room, I stood up from my chair, came to the side of the bed and held her hand.

Today Celia had her neurological exam and passed with mostly flying colors. Dr. Atwal claims that the seizure was caused by the large amount of stress in her brain due to the PTSD. Makes sense but it still sucks. She's almost off valium completely but now she's taking a concoction of other stuff. I'm not surprised if it's making her feel worse.

Felicia and I both turned out heads as there was a knock at the door, the director came in with a smile.

"Miss Porter. Dr Varshavski. How are we today?" He asked.

"Good. Dr Atwal just finished up her exam. No root cause that he found but he suspects they started due to stress. Celia is gonna start ethosuximide to help manage them." I chimed, seeming pretty satisfied with the outcome. Thankfully nothing worse case like a stroke.

"Thank you again for letting Mike accompany me to the appointment, sir." She smiled at the director who nodded his head.

"Of course. It's not really allowed but the board deemed it ethical. You both are good kids anyway, would've fight hard if they disagreed. Actually, Dr Varshavski, I would like to see you in my office when you're finished up here. Felicia, I encourage you tag along."

At this point, I think Felicia had another seizure as she fell back on the bed, her eyes staring directly ahead of her.

"Miss Porter? Can you hear me?" The director showed concern as he walked over to the other side of bed. I tightened my grip on her hand and placed my free hand on her soft cheek. After a couple seconds she snapped her head directly at me.

"There she is." I smiled, looking into her eyes, seeing that beautiful twinkle that I loved.

"Is everything okay?" Celia asked confused.

"You had another seizure. Can you remember what I said before you fell unconscious, Felicia?" The director asked.

"Uh... Did you ask Mike to go meet you somewhere?"

"Yes, I want both of you in my office when you're done but please, take your time. I recommend you use a wheelchair whilst you're here. Be safe." The director nodded at both of us before he left the room.

Dilshad did a discharge consult and wished us farewell. I walked Felicia over to the wheelchair station where I sat her and pushed her around to the office. I genuinely have no idea what this could be about if Felicia is involved? The director was standing at the door waiting for us and closed the door behind us when we entered. Cristine was also there. She just sighed, almost like it was regret.

"We just reviewed the so called evidence of the matter. Although I agree some things really uh... Should've been kept off the phone call, Cristine did initiate a breach of conduct." The director started off.

PatienceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora