Chapter 16 - A Familiar Fuzziness

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I hid in the bathroom with the door locked, staring at the white bottle of pills with my name on it. I started off with just one. Then I had two more. Then I had another. I didn't want to make a noticeable dent in the quantity so I left it at that. A knock on the door echoed throughout the room.

"Babe, you all good in there?" Mike yelled from the other side of the door. I hid the bottle in my pocket, walking over to the door and unlocking it. I opened it with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Just went to brush my teeth. I might head to bed soon. I'm... I'm feeling a bit tired."

He nodded and flashed a smile, laying a kiss on my lips.

"Okay, honey, did you want some tea before bed? I just put the kettle on for us."

"Sounds fantastic."

I walked into the room and sat on the bed, opening the bedside table drawer and placing the pills back in there where they were supposed to be. Mike hadn't noticed as he stood by the small kitchen counter in the hotel room, pouring boiling hot water into plain navy mugs.

"Herbal tea?" He asked.

"Yes, please, dear. Chamomile, if we have any."

I stared at the television that was showing Win News Canberra. Geoff Phillips just sat there talking but I didn't bother to pay attention. Mike strolled over to the bed, handing me a mug of hot tea with a smile.

"Thanks, love."

He sat down on the other side of the bed, looking at the television in front of us.

"Win News, that a popular news channel here?"

"Yeeeeep. You got Win News, 9 News, Prime 7 News. Australians love their news." I took a long sip of my tea, being careful not to burn my tongue.

The Senate are now becoming convinced that the Australian Greens' bill to raise Newstart rates is a priority. Greens Senator Richard De Natale has said-

"If only they raised Newstart when I was a bloody kid." I mumbled.

"What is it?" Mike asked, taking a sip from his mug.

"It's Youth Allowance for... Well, youth. Some kids become independent before turning 18 because of parental problems or they have to work away from home so they have to go on Youth Allowance, which gives them money for things like rent assistance and bills. I had to use it because I went without a job for 7 months while studying my certificate and Dad couldn't keep up with the bills without my income."

"The Greens, are they some sort of political party?"

"Yep. They are what people call the 'leftist' party. A lot of people don't like them but I have voted for them ever since I turned 18. They focus on things like making education accessible, focusing on making Australia renewable to avoid climate change, trying to include dentistry in Medicare which is our universal health care. They do a lot of good things but everyone is way too selfish so they vote for fuck heads like the Liberal Party and their shitty leader, Scott Morrison."

"Must be glad you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Tell me about it." I chuckled, taking another swig of my tea.

Canberra's new bus networks have been welcomed very harshly. Transport Canberra insist on the new bus routes being helpful but not all Canberrans have come to agree.

I started at Geoff Phillips constantly saying word from word but soon after I space out. My body starts to feel calm and almost a bit fuzzy. My pills began to work. It's time I go to bed. I finish off my tea as Mike and I make some small talk before getting under the covers and going to bed.

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