Chapter 7 - Drunk Night Stand

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Hey guys! How are you guys liking the book so far? 

It's okay, you can tell me it's garbage, I literally write these chapters at 4 am with no sleep. It's only to be expected.

So can you BELIEVE that Dr. Mike saved a guys life IN THE AIR?! If you haven't heard already, Dr. Mike was on a flight when a man was experiencing anaphylaxis with no epipen available. So being the courageous doctor he is, he took the epinephrine from a first aid kit and a large needle. He administered the correct dose for his allergic reaction and the guy luckily survived. The epinephrine and huge needle on planes are typically administered when someone is suffering from a cardiac event so it would've been super tricky to administer the correct dose for anaphylaxis as too much epinephrine can actually CAUSE a cardiac event.

But Mike saved the day and he is now fighting for airlines to have EpiPens in case of emergencies. I love him!

Anyway, enjoy this new chapter!


Its been a few weeks since I had that intimate night with Mike and I can't say things are getting better for a number of reasons. After I admitted sleeping with Mike to my workmate Cristine, she's been threatened by me which is actually starting to affect my work. If I page him to come down to maybe sign something or double check a possible error, Cristine will do everything to make sure Mike and I don't talk. 

"Oh you don't need to page him, I'll fix whatever it is. You don't need him."

On a file that is going to be faxed to his patient? Uh, absolutely he does?!

"Hi Mikey! Uhm so sorry that you came all the way down here because it turns out Felicia didn't need you! Her pager is just broken."

Well no, I actually paged him myself with my WORKING pager?

"Actually I paged you through Felicia, my pager isn't working for some reason! Silly me!"

Since when in the past 5 hours of me having this pager around my neck did you touch it?

These are just a few of many silly excuses she comes up with on the spot. You can imagine I've tried to interject but Cristine then just starts talking louder until she can't hear me.

Didn't realize we were in fucking kindergarten again, Cristine but alright. 

I have not had a moment alone with Mike because of this, not even when I go up to his office. She's becoming really stalkerish. 

Luckily for me, it was another Friday done meaning another whole week has vanished into the air. I couldn't be more ready to get away from Cristine for 2 days.

I strolled out of the hospital into the cool, light wind where I began to head towards the Starbucks close to the apartment complex. Listen, American coffee tastes like dirt but I don't want to buy a coffee machine. Not that I can buy a good one on my 55k a year salary but it's funny to think about. 

Upon stepping into the warm, cozy store, I saw a familiar face who I should've expected to see. It was Bernard. I've seen Bernard once after we met initially while we were checking our mailboxes, we ended up have a friendly chat in the lobby for about an hour. He's a really funny guy.

"Felicia! Back again? I thought I wouldn't even see you within 50 feet of this place." He chuckled, giving me a big bear hug.

"Neither would I but I have had a... Let's just say the past few weeks have been questionable. Need something to wash down the... uh... memory." I laughed with a shrug.

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