Chapter 11 - Exploratory Fantasy

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Here's a mature chapter because LOL I want to try and not be scared of writing smutty stuff, don't hate it too much if its really bad 😂 Or do, idk

For the past few weeks, I have been feeling so many things. On one hand, I have a new boyfriend who is the sweetest guy on the planet. He makes me so happy, I didn't think I'd find love so quickly, at least not like this. Almost a month together and I feel loved, happy and very lucky. On the other hand, I found out that I had drunk intercourse with one of my good friends who has a girlfriend. I feel guilty and upset. Realistically it's not my fault, he didn't stop me, I didn't know but I feel for not only Veronica but even Bernard himself, he's my friend and I care for him and he's unintentionally put himself in such a shit position. James had left Friday morning of that same week, I saw him off and he promised to update me on everything he can about Dad. I'm still thinking over Mike's offer to fly us over.

I've tried my best to stay stress-free these past few weeks and honestly, it hasn't been that hard. I'll tell you a secret, sex is a great stress reliever.
Despite Mike and I not being together for super long, we've been a lot more sexually involved than you'd expect from a couple who's only been together for about a month. We've been exploring, experimenting. Doing all this stuff that I would not think I could see myself doing. I have always been kind of vanilla with sex, I've never even really been adventurous or out of my comfort zone. I always thought dressing up or that roleplay stuff was silly but the big stick up my ass was the fact that I had never tried it. When people told me they would dress up in bed, I knew the appeal but never really understood it. Maybe the fantasy of your partner in a uniform of some sort was attractive? I never really knew. Today that experiment was going to be explained. It is going to be explored.

Mike has never done this either so it made me less nervous as this will be a first for both of us. Tonight we both learn something new.

It's Thursday night, I had just finished work and Mike has been waiting for me at his place. I am slightly scared, I have no idea what Mike has planned. He has been holding off sex this week for 'Thursday Night.' What was special about Thursday night? Fuck, if I know. That's what I get to figure out today. Will I end up in a leather bondage outfit by the end of this? Maybe a fursuit? I fucking hope not.

I walked to the door cautiously, smoothing out my wrinkled uniform from today. I knocked on it lightly. Not even a minute after, Mike opens the door. He's standing there in his fitted black denim jeans, a light dress shirt, a long white coat that had the Overlook workplace printed on the left side with his name embroidered so beautifully on the right, and those iconic round glasses, sitting on his face so perfectly.

"Miss Porter. A pleasure to see you again." He smiled suggestively, his perfectly green eyes shining.

"The pleasure is all mine... Dr Varshavski." I smiled back, batting my eyelashes lightly as I played along with the assumed situation. I'd be embarrassed if I got it so obviously wrong. I stepped slowly into the apartment of his, placing down my bag on the counter.

"Now you haven't been to your annual appointment for a long time. We'll have to be thorough, this evening."

"Of course, sir. Take all the time you need." I nodded and smiled once more.

"Come with me." He gestured to his bedroom, as I entered the room I noticed a robe has been laid on his large, soft bed.

"Change into this robe and we shall begin." He stood by the door, not budging from where he was standing.

"Don't be shy, Miss Porter. I am your doctor." He smiled once again, as he crossed his arms, staring intently.

I began to undress, trying my best to remove each article of clothing with painfully slow movements in an attempt to tease him. I see him shuffle lightly, still starting very closely as I reveal my skin to the cool air. After removing everything, I slipped on the thin fabric robe.

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