Chapter 19 - Back to Work

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"I didn't even notice Tony left the country. I can't believe he was going to do such a sick and vile thing to you. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am, Felicia." James sighed on the other side of the phone. While waiting for mandatory tests to come back while in the emergency department, I feel like I had to call James and tell him about his son being sent back home under kidnapping and attempted rape charge. Apparently, he'll be remanded to the Alexander Maconochie Centre, a minimum to maximum security prison in Canberra until he faces trial. God, this still feels like some weird, surreal dream.

"This isn't your fault, James. I didn't know he stalked me all the way back."

"Don't worry. I'll visit him when he's reached AMC and you bet I'll give that son of mine, what for. I'll let you go but I'll call you sometime soon. Love you, Cels."

"Love you, James."

I hung up the phone and sat back on the thin hospital pillow that sat under my head. Kate, Dani and Bernard sat in the room with me, all with sad expressions on their faces. Kate and Dani had been sobbing, it was very noticeable, Bernard, on the other hand, was mostly red with anger and frustration. A sudden buzz sounded in the room, Bernard picked up his phone and the screen glowed upon his face.

"Mike's charges have been dropped. He's being released from the precinct holding cell and is on his way to see you."

Due to Mike fighting with Tony, which caused Tony's nose to break, Mike got arrested along with him under an aggravated assault charge. They planned to keep him at the local police station overnight but by the sounds of it, he got away with it. Maybe the circumstances were reasonable?

One of the ER doctors came into my room to check my vitals once again, this was the 5th time of being examined.

"Okay, everything is still good although you're very brady which-"

"Means I have a slow pulse because bradycardia is a slower than average heart rate. Yes, I'm aware."

"Did you need anything else?"

"2 milligrams of loprazolam mesylate."

"I'm sorry Felicia, we can't give you any benzodiazepines and you know why."

"Fine then, 1 milligram." I huffed.

"Felicia, please. I'm very sorry but we can't give you any sedatives with your medical history. I can give you 50 milligrams of quetiapine if you need a sleeping agent, it is a non-"

"Yes, Seroquel is a non-benzo, I'm aware. Just give me the drugs." I snapped, clearly annoyed.

"Um, alright." The doctor's face came confused but shook it off as she inserted a small needle into the IV in my hand. I felt my body relax as the drugs ran through my veins within a quick minute. The doctor exited without saying anything else.

"Medical history? Have you had medical issues before?" Kate asked.

"Somewhat... Uh... Long story short, they won't give me benzos. That's all I'm willing to say." I cleared my throat and shuffled in my hospital bed. After a few minutes, Mike stepped into the bay, placing his jacket onto a free chair and planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, taking my hand in his.

"I'm feeling alright. Just waiting on a couple of tests then I'll be okay to leave." I smiled at him, my left hand stroking his cheek softly as I lovingly admired him.

"What happened with the cops?" Bernard asked, leaning back in his chair with crossed arms. Mike shrugged.

"I told them what I could. I explained how Tony had been treating Celia, how he was always out to get at her and how I had a suspicious feeling about him wanting to do something to him. I admitted I freaked out and got angry. I admit myself to all the charges they were going to lay against me but they decided I wasn't really a threat so they let me off with a warning."

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