Chapter 24 - Finally Had Enough

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Hey guys! Just placing a trigger warning here.

Mention of traumatic events such as rape, suicide and mention of psychosis. Please tread carefully. Love y'all
Another week goes by and I am officially weening off properly from my addiction. I've done this before but this time, I know I'm never gonna go back to my old ways. Mike has been so unbelievably supportive. He's been handling my massive mood swings and is patient when I asked unreasonable things of him like not cuddling me in bed because of cold sweats. If I ended up having a bit of a psychotic episode from the big chemical change in my body, he'll hold me and reassure me that I'm okay and he's okay, that my mind was just playing tricks on me.

Today, I've just been playing my brand new video game. Assassin's Creed Vahalla. I fell in love with the AC series so long ago then feel out of love when all of the recent games just didn't tickle the same fancy I craved. Origins was the last straw, I found it so unsatisfying. Odyssey came out and I didn't even wanna touch it and I didn't for two years. I bought it on a whim just to try it and I fell right back in love with the game again. They introduced the choice of playing a female or male character and can I just say Kassandra in Odyssey was such a powerful fucking beast? Dunno if I want to be her or be with her y'know?

As I had Eivor running around the settlements in England, I hear Mike get home after having to attend an emergency patient of his.

"Hey love! How was everything? Are you feeling okay?" I asked, my eyes still glued to Eivor on the screen.

It was followed by an aggressive drop of his bag and a frustrated grunt.

"Is... Is everything okay?" I immediately paused the game and looked up at him. His face was red with anger. He looked right at me with a face that could kill. I tensed up as he looked at me but he noticed straight away that he was scaring me so he relaxed and sighed.

"I'm sorry Cels. I'm not okay. I don't mean to make you think you're doing something wrong."

"What's wrong? Come." I reached out for him where he came over and fell into my embrace. I ran my hand through his hair and rubbed his back, he just held me tight. My worry was he might've lost his patient today, something you can't avoid in the medical field but still so daunting. We're all human too. He sat next to me on the couch as he let go of me.

"I've been suspended." He sighed again, his head falling into his hands.

"What?! What the fuck happened? What did you do?"

"You'll NEVER guess who decided to make yet another formal complaint."

"You're kidding me."

"I wish I was."

------------ An hour before -----------

"Doctor Varshavski, director has requested you see him."

Oh no. That can't be good.

"I'll see him when I'm finished discharging my patient."

Fuck. What's going on. My heart dropped into my stomach.

"Doctor. Please come in." The director motioned to me with a smile. I closed the door and sat down.

"How are you doing Doctor? Is Felicia recovering well?"

"Uh.. Yes sir. She's responding well to her new meds and weening off the valium at a good rate. Of course she's having the typical minor setbacks like temporary psychosis, fevers, chills and nausea but she's doing good. I'm very proud of her."

Patienceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें