Chapter 28 - Just Like The First Time

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I'm starting to get that same mental block that I got before. I've literally rewritten this chapter like 3 times. BUT I'm not gonna go on a hiatus like I did last time. Gonna try and keep pushing content out for y'all.

"Miss Porter, can you help me?"

"Of course. What's going on?"

This is my first day managing an entire admin team in the practice section of Overlook. So far, it's going well. We have a brand new admin assistant in my sector and I've been mentoring him most of the day.

"Ah, I see where you're going wrong. First off, that right there is wrong. What's the shortened abbreviation of Type 1 diabetes?"

"Uh... IDDM?"

"Good! And what's the abbreviation stand for in full?"

"Umm... I.. I don't remember."

"That's okay! It's your first day, you're nervous. IDDM is Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. This is the most common abbreviation when communicating about a patient with Type 1 diabetes. So with Miss Yotoya here, you're gonna write..."

My pager in my skirt pocket alerted me before I could finish my sentence. I'm needed at the front desk.

"Sorry champ, I'll be back. Keep writing your report as best you can and I'll look over it before your file it in the system okay?"

"Okay, thanks, Miss Porter!" The bright young new hire smiled.

"Ah, ah, Felicia!" I corrected him before parting him on the back and making my way to the emergency desk. As I walk closer, I see none other than the most charismatic paramedic I know in his uniform.

"Shouldn't you be patrolling?" I asked.

"I wanted to bring you coffee." He smiled sheepishly, handing me a cup of Starbucks.

"Ah, a caramel dirty chai latte. My favourite."

"It's not Australian coffee but well... Y'know."

"Is this your way of apologising for being a fucking dickhead?" I smiled at him while taking a sip.

He chuckled. "I know, I deserve that. It's my way of apologising for not only disrespecting your relationship but then calling you while I was vulnerable and being even more of an asshole."

"It's just not like you, love. I didn't understand. You left me so confused." My eyes softened as I looked up at him. He isn't a bad guy.

"I just let my emotions get in the way..."

"As flattering as that is, you need to get over that. We haven't had sex in years. We haven't gotten a chance to see each other properly since I moved here. I would've thought another girl would've come by and snatched your heart by now."

"It's been difficult. My schedule is here there and everywhere but that's paramedical life for you. I'm sorry Cels. I shouldn't have acted out like that. I'm genuinely really happy for you and Mike. He seems like he cares for you a lot."

"He's been amazing. I've honestly never experienced a relationship like this one which is why I was so adamant about you realizing this. He's not like... Ugh, I don't even want to say his name but you know who I'm talking about."

"The guy who used to guilt you into sex and invalidate your trauma?"

"Yep. That's the one. Mike hasn't run away yet-"

"Mike WON'T run away. There is no yet. Have you seen the way he looks at you? I couldn't help but get jealous because I saw that spark in his eyes. Honestly, I wish someone would like at me like that. He's fucking in love with you Celia. I'm a guy, I KNOW THIS."

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