Chapter 26 - Breakups and Reunions

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"Fucking hell, babe. I almost can't keep up with you." Mike chuckled, breathing heavily, holding his naked chest. I giggled in response and gave him a long kiss.

It was a few days until I was cleared to go back to work, for now we're making the most of having time together and what better way to do that is to be railed hard for 3 hours?

My phone buzzed on the bedside table and I looked over at it before I groaned. I picked it up but my frown went away as I looked at who sent me the message.

Hey, Kate, Bernard and I are going to lunch tomorrow. You should come! We miss you ❤️

"Aw, it's Dani. She wants me to go to lunch with her, Bernard and Kate tomorrow."

I haven't seen much of any of them since my overdose. They don't really know about anything that's gone on the past couple months. I do miss them though. It's time I see them.

"You should go." Mike smiled, throwing his arm around my naked body and pulling me closer.

I'll meet you in the lobby of the complex. I've missed you guys too.

I put my phone down and looked right back at Mike.

"So you don't want another round?"

"I tap out. I can't. I'll make it up to you tomorrow though." He shook his head with a smile.

"I'll be taking your word for it. Don't forget." I teased before I got up from his embrace.

"Noooo, come baaaack." He whined as he pouted, putting his arms out and making grabby hands.

"I'm gonna go clean up, come join me."

"Ooooo yes please." He jumped up and went to the closet to grab a couple towels. I gave him a loving kiss before we headed to the bathroom. My hands turned the cold stainless steel knobs and the water started running, after the water warmed up a bit we both jumped in.

"Can I wash your hair?" He asked with a big grin.

"Of course, go for it." I smiled.

He's so cute.

He picked up my OGX bottle of shampoo and squeezed the bottle, the product falling into his hand. I turn around and he rubs his hands together before rubbing them onto my wet hair.

"Your hair is so pretty."

"Aw stop, where is all this mushy stuff coming from?"

"I guess even though we live together, I'm gonna miss spending every single waking moment with you. My partner in crime, my gorgeous queen, my future wife hopefully." He rambled as he massaged my scalp. I stepped back into the water and he ran his hands through my hair to wash out the soap before he started putting conditioner in my hair.

"You're just a light in my life. I can't help but be all mushy around you, baby." He chuckled before beginning to rinse my hair again.

"You're such a sweetheart. I love you." I giggled, giving him a kiss under the water.

"And I love you. More than anything in the world." He smiled.

"My turn, my turn!" I grabbed his bottle of shampoo and squeezed the contents into my hand.

"Are you gonna be able to reach?" He teased.

"I'm not that short, stupid!" I pouted but giggled as I started massaging the soap into his hair.

"You ever thought of dyeing your hair?" I asked.

"I mean Brad Mondo thought I should go platinum blonde."

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