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After some soldiers opened the gates, Taehyung and Jimin followed Namjoon inside. There were many people out walking or buying things. There were also kids playing outside.

"You guys can hand me the horses. I'll place them by the stables," Namjoon said. Both Taehyung and Jimin handed Namjoon the horses.

"It's so busy here, and there are so many things," Jimin said as he was looking around. "What should we do first?"

"Let's just explore for a bit," Taehyung said and started walking, followed by Jimin.

As they were walking, many people would recognize them. They would give them free items from their store as an appreciation. 

By the time it was getting dark, they had several items that they couldn't carry all. Luckily, Namjoon appeared.

"Whoa, where did you guys get all these?" Namjoon asked as he helped them. 

"The villagers were nice to give us these things. They recognized pretty quickly," Jimin said.

"Seems like the villagers like you both a lot," Namjoon said. "No one has given me anything for free,"

"It's getting late. We should probably get going before it gets too dark," Taehyung said, walking a bit faster.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired from all the walking and carrying," Jimin said.

They all continued walking until they had finally reached the stable where Namjoon had left the horses.

They got a carriage and placed the items inside of it before getting on the horses. As they were leaving, people began waving at them while they left.

"So, how did you guys like the village?" Namjoon asked, starting a conversation.

"The villagers seemed to be nice. It's been a while since I talked to many different peoples," Taehyung said.

"Same, I would like to visit my pack someday," Jimin said.

"If you guys don't mind me asking, how did you get separate from your packs?" Namjoon asked since he was curious.

"I mean, if you guys don't want to, then it's fine," Namjoon quickly added.

"No, don't worry. It is a good opportunity for you to get to know us more," Taehyung said.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'll start," Jimin started.

"Before I knew Taehyung, I used to be in a pack very far from here. It was always warm and bright. There would always be animals we would hunt,"

"Everything seemed fine, nothing out of the ordinary seemed off, or so I thought. It was late one night when I heard loud noises from outside. When I checked, there was fire, and people were running around, screaming,"

"I can't recall what happened after since everything happened so fast. All I remember is that I was somehow in my wolf form, and someone picked me up and placed me into a cage,"

"I was placed into a carriage and brought to a city where I later then met Taehyung," Jimin said, ending his story.

"What do you think happened to your pack?" Namjoon asked. Jimin only shrugged. He didn't have any clue as to what happened.

"What about you, Taehyung?" Jimin asked.

"My story is kinda similar to yours. I was outside of my pack with my mother when everything happened,"

"I was pretty young back then. I remember I saw smoke and fire coming out. My mother had quickly picked me up and started running far away from the pack. I never knew what had happened to my pack,"

"After a few years, my mother was killed by wolf hunters in front of me. I was later then taken by some men where I met Jimin," Taehyung said. A few tears fell as he remembered his mother, but he quickly dried them off.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Taehyung. I bet your mother was a great person," Namjoon said, calming down Taehyung while Jimin patted him on his back.

"Yeah, she's in a better place now and is looking out for you even from very far," Jimin said.

Taehyung only nodded before speaking up. "Thanks, guys. Well, we already made it back to the palace," Taehyung said. Namjoon and Jimin looked up from Taehyung.

The guards opened the gate to let them pass through. Once inside, they got off from the horses and tied them to the stable.

"Our fun trip has come to an end. Hope you guys had fun," Namjoon said as he unloaded the carriage.

"We did. It was nice to do something other than work," Jimin said and grabbed the items that the villagers had given him.

"Yeah. I'll be going since it's already late," Taehyung said and started walking towards the palace.

"Bye!" Both Jimin and Namjoon yelled while waving. Taehyug turned around and waved back at them before going inside.

"I never knew how much Taehyung had gone through. Maybe it was because I never dared to ask him of his past," Jimin said.

Jimin appeared sad that all the time he was with Taehyung, they never had this type of conversation.

"Don't beat yourself because of that. Taehyung probably didn't know about your past either," Namjoon said after he had finished unloading.

"Your right, but still, it never occurred to me to ask him about that," Jimin said.

"Even if it didn't occur to ask him that, you two are still friends, right?" Namjoon asked.


"So you don't have to get all upset about something like that. What matters now is that your two are still friends," Namjoon said.

"That's true. You know what, I'm glad we met you guys. You and everyone else seemed to be very nice people," Jimin said, bringing his normal personality back.

"Thanks, you and Taehyung are probably the only nice rogues that we've met," Namjoon said, showing off his dimple smile.

"I have to go now, Yoongi would kill me if I come late for work," Jimin said as he grabbed his stuff.

"That's what he said? Haha, don't take him seriously. He always oversleeps during work, so you'll be fine," Namjoon said, patting Jimin's shoulder.

"Okay, it was nice talking to you! Goodbye," Jimin said before running off inside the palace.

Hey guys! Sorry for the very late update. I had a dance project which is now finally over! So I'll be able to upload regularly (?) now. Hope you guys understand and have enjoyed this chapter!

Q: Do you guys know how to dance?

I personally don't know how to dance. But, I am in a dance class so hopefully I can be somewhat good at dancing.

I've got nothing else to say other than-

I purple you all~ 💜💜💜!!!


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