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"What do you mean by your plan didn't go as planned?" Jungkook asked. Everyone was curious about what Hyun Shik had to say.

Hyun Shik just shook her head. "I can't tell you. It's something for you to figure out on your own," Hyun Shik said, poking the left side of Jungkook's chest.

The door then opened up. Yoongi was just now arriving at the throne room.

"Yoongi, your late, again," Hoseok said. It wasn't something new to anyone nowadays.

"Sorry, I just woke up from a nap," Yoongi said. It was the only excuse he would say. "Anyway, I see that the meeting is already over, so I'll be heading back,"

No one decided to stop him. They all just let him be.

"I'll be going as well. That was all I had to come and say. Have a nice day, Alpha," Hyun Shik said, bowing down to Jungkook.

"Let me walk you out, ma'am," Hoseok said as he followed her out of the throne room, leaving Jungkook alone with Eunha.

"Now that we're alone... Why don't we do something f-,"

"I'm sorry, Eunha. I'm too stressed out to have you bothering me," Jungkook confessed while getting up from his throne.

"If you don't mind, I'll be leaving as well," Jungkook said, leaving an irritated Eunha by herself.

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Yoongi had arrived at the entrance of the dungeon. He saw the door slightly open. He immediately knew that someone was inside since he had completely closed the door.

Slowly, Yoongi opened the door and started to walk down the stairs. Once he had reached the ground, he looked around but didn't see anyone.

He decided to walk back upstairs to see if anyone would come out of the dungeon.

Hiding behind a large plant they had as decoration, he waited.

Not long, before he heard the door opened, revealing Jimin. Jimin was looking around as if he was looking for something.

Jimin then ran out with Taehyung. Yoongi got up quickly from his hiding spot. He wasn't sure of what to do.

Nevertheless, he ran looking for the Alpha. Yoongi was lucky enough to find the Alpha walking through the hallways.

"Alpha, they're escaping!" Yoongi said, out of breath.

"Who?" Jungkook asked, confused.

"Taehyung and Jimin. They both just came out of the dungeon," Yoongi said.

Jungkook then told Yoongi to alert all the guards before he ran outside the palace.

He looked around and saw two wolves running. Knowing he wasn't going to be able to catch up with them in his human form, he shifted.

Jungkook then sprinted towards them. The other two wolves took notice and continued to run rapidly.

Jungkook managed to catch up behind Jimin. Taehyung, afraid that Jimin was going to get caught. He slowed down to get Jungkook's attention.

'Taehyung? What are you doing? You're going to get caught!' Jimin said.

'I'm just distracting him from you. You continue running as far as you can,' Taehyung said.

As planned, Jungkook started to follow Taehyung. Jimin continued to run faster and as far away as he could.

Just as Taehyung was going to speed up as well, Jungkook took the opportunity to tackle him.

They both fell onto the ground, stumbling.

'Taehyung!' Jimin yelled. He was about to run back to help Taehyung.

'Don't worry. Just continue to keep running. I'll catch up,' Taehyung said. Jimin hesitates but kept going, trusting Taehyung's words.

Taehyung now took his focus on the Alpha. The Alpha was heavy enough that Taehyung couldn't get him off.

Even though they couldn't communicate, Jungkook knew what Taehyung wanted to say by the way he was struggling.

Taehyung didn't know what else to do. He wasn't sure if he could get the Alpha off of him.

Just as Taehyung was about to give up, an idea popped into his head.

He licked the Alpha's nose, which surprised the Alpha. Having the Alpha off guard, he was able to push him off and start running.

Jungkook stayed there without moving. Soon guards started surrounding the area.

"Alpha, are you alright? You didn't get hurt, did you?" Hoseok asked, which Jungkook just shook his head.

"Namjoon, take him with you to Jin just in case he's indeed injured," Hoseok said. Namjoon nodded.

"Come here, Alpha. You can quickly transform back," Namjoon said, handing the Alpha a cloth to cover himself up.

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"Jungkook? Jungkook!" Jin repeated, trying to get the Alpha's attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jungkook said.

"You've been spacing out ever since you got here. Did something happen out there?" Jin asked.

"No, nothing happened. I'm just feeling stressed, that's all," Jungkook said.

Jin decided not to ask any more further questions. He continued to treat the wounds Jungkook had on his arms.

Hey guys! I had some "technical issue" if you could say that. But still, as promised, here's the second chapter! It's still my birthday so I guess I didn't fail you guys(?)

Q. What theme would you do on your birthday?

I'm doing yellow and red as the color and the theme is Winnie the Pooh. I know it's a bit childish, but he's still my favorite childhood character.

I've got nothing else to say other than-

I purple you all~ 💜💜💜!!!


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