Chapter 8

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The new girl was smiling at me. She was smiling ever so sweetly. But this time, I could see the venom dripping from it.

It was kind of weird that I didn't even know her name yet. But it didn't matter that much. What mattered was that she had been talking to one of mine. Kelly.

What also mattered was that the Shadow had agreed to take our job, and that he had already killed one person. I had given him two weeks to kill four men, but it looked like he didn't need that much time.

"What's up?" Jake said giving me a knowing look.

"Nothing. There are just some things that I have to do. Will you cover for me?" I asked, and he nodded.

I stood just when Kelly arrived at our table.

"Hey ba-" I grabbed her arm before she could finish the sentence, and dragged her out of the cafeteria.

I made sure she was skinny all the time, so I already knew she was weak. She was as light as a damn feather. So even though she struggled to get out of my hold, her efforts died quickly.

"Where are we going?" She asked, with panic in her voice that she tried to conceal.

"To somewhere we can't be overheard." I answered vaguely. Kelly struggled even harder to get out of my grip.

We went outside, and I dragged around the corner. I had some questions. And Kelly knew things. I pushed her up against the wall, and started.

"Who is the new girl you were talking to before?" I asked, keeping my voice low and hollow.

"Who?" She asked, genuinely looking confused.

"How many new girls are there dumbass? The one with the blond hair and shit?" I said, and recognition flooded her face.

"Her name is Lilith." Was the only thing she said. I gritted my teeth.

"What were you talking about?"

"We were talking about the Shadow." Kelly said clenching her jaw, and trying once more to get free.

"Why were you talking about the Shadow? What do you know?" I asked hurriedly. To fast, I asked to fast, well heck if that didn't make me look suspicious.

"There was an article on the news about the Shadow." She said, full on glaring at me now. She had never dared to be so rude to me before, and I had a suspicion that it was because of Lilith.

"How did you know her before-" I was cut off by Kelly saying:

"Why do you care so much about Lilith?"

"Because I want her to be mine." I said simply. Kelly shook het head at me. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't have said that to my girlfriend. Oh well.

"No way, no you won't. You have enough people to torment. Stay. Away. From. Lilith." Kelly said, pointing a threatening finger at me that she somehow managed to get between us.

I was speechless. Kelly had never stood up to me before, she never dared to. But now, she was standing up to me for some new girl that she couldn't have known for longer than a day.

"Don't forget. I could send you away in a heartbeat Kelly." I said and punched her guts.

She gasped in pain as I stepped away from her, letting her fall to the ground. A tear leaked from her cheek, and I walked away.

I could feel her glare at my back the entire time. And I had the strangest feeling that she would one day make me pay for it all. I shook off the feeling and got into my car.

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