Chapter 34

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Everything was fucking shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Kelly had escaped a-fucking-gain. At least I now know that Lilith was with her. And I didn't doubt that Silvia was with them as well as she hadn't showed up at school.

Even though Lilith was wearing a mask while 'rescuing' Kelly, I would recognize both those females anywhere. After Lilith had shot me, I'd called one of my men to come pick me up. The hospital told me I was lucky I was still alive.

Not just all that, but my father wasn't speaking to me anymore. For who knows what reason. From one day to the other he cut off all contact with me and mom.

And my mom, well I don't know what the fuck was wrong with her, but she stopped. She wasn't even making any food anymore. Not for me or herself. After dad left about a week ago, she basically stopped functioning.

I tried talking to her, and telling her that he wasn't coming back and that she had to pull herself together. But she wouldn't listen. Women never listened to men these days. And they were worse for it.

On top of all of that, Jack was distracted as well. With the shit with his parents, he wanted to spend more time with them. I didn't get it but fine, just fine. All of it together was such a shitshow.

I was sitting in my office, when my phone rang. I looked at who it was and saw number 7 calling me. I quickly picked up.

"Sir," I said, waiting for him to tell me what the reason of his calling was.

"There are some extra females that I can deliver along with the normal set, in a month. Same place as usual." A low voice said. The voice was with a sort of audio tone so that I wouldn't know who it really was.

"I'll take them. How many?"

"10." He said, and hung up.

So, that would mean 50 extra females for me to use. I smiled. Seems like not everything had gone to shit after all. Now on to find my property, and my target. Kelly and Lilith. This shouldn't be too hard. They didn't even know how to fight.

Then I went too my room to sleep, cuz this work was damn exhausting, trust me on that.


He left. The love of my life, the one who I sacrificed everything for, the one who unwittingly put a target on my back just because he was in a gang. The one who I thought had loved me for years. He was gone. No where to be found.

And now my son was being a bitch.

I still loved him, my son, and I always will. No matter what. But I really wish my husband had put on a condom that night and safe we me from this.

But it didn't matter now anyways. It was all too late to change anything.

I had makes cookies today. They were supposed to be for Steel, but he didn't want them. Every time he did that it broke my heart.

I had an extremely difficult childhood, and I'd vowed to myself that I'd never be the kind of parent that my parents were. That's why I kept trying with Steel.

I was sitting in my favorite arm chair, staring into nothing when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I frowned, not knowing who would message me.

Still I grabbed my phone and looked. It was a message from Lilith.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy :) How are you? I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for us so far. You're amazinggggg, and don't ya ever forget ittttt <3"

Tears filled my eyes at the sweet message, and I immediately replied.

"Hello sweetheart! Thank you for the kind message, it wasn't a problem for me ❤️. Let me know if there is anything else you would like me to do."

I decided then and there to give the cookies to Lilith and her friends. She was always so kind to me, and she deserved it.

"Also, could I have your address? I would like to send you a small something."

As soon as she gave me her address I put all the cookies in a box, grabbed my wallet, and put on my shoes to go and send them to her. To my surprise, I was smiling.

While walking to the post office I realized, the sun was shining, and that the kids were laughing in the playground. It all felt so real in that moment. I hadn't felt this way in a long time.

I stopped when I saw a homeless man sitting on the side of the road. I didn't know who he was, but it looked as if he had been sitting there for a while.

I walked to him, picking up my pace. Grabbing my wallet to give him some money I said,

"Hello sir,"

"Why hello ma'am," He replied, smiling. I didn't really care that he was only smiling at me because I was going to give him money. No one deserves to be on the streets like this.

"Promise me you won't buy drugs, alcohol, or go gambling." I said sternly, using my mother voice.

"I promise." The man said, his face grave.

I gave him 100 dollars. His eyes went wide and he looked absolutely shocked. Then he smiled as if it was the first smile in years.

"Thank you ma'am, thank you so much." He said, taking the money, gaping. I smiled at him.

"Close your mouth before any flies get caught in it sweetheart." I said, and turned away.

No one need know that money wasn't mine. It might have been Steel's. I continued walking to the post office, my heart a bit lighter. I used to give money all the time, and it felt good to do it again.

Even though everything seems gloomy right now, I was sure that with Lilith and her friends, and myself of course, I will still have an amazing rest of my life. However long that may be.



Tbh I think this is one of the shortest chapters I've done so far.

How were your vacations this year dear readers? Did you do anything fun? Not fun things?

Love yourself babes❤️.


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Lots of loveeeeeeee from meeeeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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