Chapter 15

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I just made my move on the new girl, Lilith, and I was quite smug that it worked.

I know that she didn't know me yet, and she had probably heard the rumors about me being a gang leader by now, but as she was new, and I knew I could convince her that I wasn't in a gang anymore.

I could make up some bullshit story that my father was in one, and that he made me be in the gang for a while before I finally left. She had to feel sympathetic for me at least.

My goal was to make her fall in love with me, and then make her mine. There were some complications of course, as her rich father and mother, and that they might come looking for her if I kidnapped her. But other than that I thought I had a solid plan.

Kelly had been so easy. She was an orphan, and so, no one came looking for her when I claimed her as mine. She had fought of course, but no one went against me and left unharmed. And people around here knew that.

Hopefully, Lilith didn't fear me yet. Although she should. She should be quivering in her bones. 'Cuz she was in for a world of Spain without the S.

I strode towards my car, not giving the school a backward glance. I had a few things to do this evening, and what better time to do it than now?

At least Lilith would be in class now, so I didn't have to worry about her thinking I was a bad influence on her by ditching class.

I got into the car. I let my mind wander as I started driving on autopilot.


What. An. idiot.

And yes I know that I'm quoting Hermione Granger, one of the most badass people ever. It's just that Steel really is an idiot.

Was he really so ignorant that he did what he just did? And he had the audacity to think that no one would follow him.

My job was easy as hell this way. All I had done was go walk to my backup car without anyone noticing me, but that wasn't even necessary as he didn't even look back.

Then I just started driving behind him, and he didn't even notice? What kind of gang leader was he for fucks sake? I'd hoped for a bit more fun in this, but he was making this too damn easy.

Seriously, What. An. Idiot.


Just as I was about to turn the corner to my street, I noticed that someone was following me. What the fuck? I shouldn't have let myself get distracted in my head. Now I had to deal with this as well.

But just when the road to my street came into view, the car that had been following me for a while now, went the other way opposite the way I was going. I was probably just paranoid.

I decided to risk it and just went home. Maybe I was being followed, but there was nothing of interest at my house. My mother and father could defend themselves if it came to that anyways.

I pulled up to my house and parked outside for if I had to leave quickly. I grabbed my phone from my pocket as someone was calling me. I saw the caller id was Jake and answered the phone.

I called with him for about 20 minutes talking about Jake's parents, who were getting a divorce. It was being hard on him, and I was the only person he knew he could talk to about it. I made sure he didn't have anyone else to talk to.

After that, I grabbed my keys from my pocket and went inside. I had the feeling I was being watched, but I ignored it.

"Oh, you're home early darling, " I heard my mother say from the kitchen.

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