Chapter 12

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The document said that her father was an alcoholic, and that her mother was in rehab for drug addiction.

That plus her hospital records, told me enough.

Silvia was being abused.

Or at least ik looked that way. Maybe I was wrong, but I would rather I show up and be wrong, then for me to let it be, and have Silvia even more hurt.

I went to my bedroom again, and changed in a more suitable outfit. Aka, something that wasn't a robe.

I put on black clothes, grabbed my glock 19 gun with a few magazines, some knifes, and my phone as well.

I quickly attached my gun holster to my pants, and put my glock in it. I then covered it with a semi long hoodie. (A/N you can imagine her in whatever you like)

I half ran towards my garage, and got inside my Rezvani Tank, which was a bulletproof car. And in my opinion was one of the best car's I had.

I opened my garage door with a button on my house key's, and drove like a maniac to Silvia's house. I took traffic lights more like suggestions, and I almost squished a few people who didn't get out of my way.

Even though it was in the middle of the night, I was surprised at how many people were out and about. Shouldn't they be sleeping or something?

Anonymous had send me Silvia's address, and because my brain was trained for these kinds of things, I had automatically remembered.

I just hoped nothing too bad had happened.

13 Minutes later, at the edge of the city, I entered a side road that immediately gave me creepy vibes. Everything around me was old and rusted.

At the absolute end of the road sat a warehouse, that looked like shit. Whomever thought it was a good idea to have a warehouse in this kind of place was stupid as hell.

The house that google maps said was Silvia's house was on the right, and looked like a house from a horror movie. Poor Silvia seriously lived here?

Some windows were shattered into a thousand pieces, and the too dry paint was cracking in multiple places. The moonlight wasn't helping making it look less scary.

I made sure that I was prepared for a fight if it came down to it, pulled my hoodie over my head, and got out of my car. I strode to the door, and knocked.

I heard a man screaming at someone, but I couldn't hear what he said. I did hear that he sounded pissed though.

The door opened and there stood Silvia.

She looked as if she got run over by a few busses. Her face was battered and bruised. Her arm looked broken, and her clothes were ripped.

She gaped at me, shock written all over her face. She slowly shook her head, and stepped back.

"Why hello darling" I said, smiling, and strutted inside as if I didn't even know her.

The lights in the hallways were flickering, and the floor boards were creaking. Despite all that, there wasn't an inch of dust to be seen, and everything just looked clean.

Silvia still stood in the doorway, still gaping at me. Then she grabbed my arm and tried to drag me out of the house. Her eyes were wide, but filled with determination to get me out of there.

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