Chapter 23

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After dinner me, Kelly and Silvia sat on the couch and Silvia told Kelly about her father. She told Kelly the same thing she told me, and I was glad she trusted Kelly enough to tell her about the abuse she suffered.

Of course, Kelly was amazing about it, and after all that, we had a Harry Potter movie marathon. I personally thought the books were better, but that was the case with most books turned into movies.

That night, while I was getting ready for bed, my phone rang. I grabbed it and saw it was Rachel. I honestly didn't expect that she would call me, but I was glad she did. That meant she had news about Steel.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked when I picked up.

"Hello sweetheart, I just wanted to let you know that my dear son has been acting more stressed out these days. He seems more anxious as if there is something he wants but can't get." Rachel said quickly and quietly, and I knew she didn't have a lot of time.

"Alright, thank you very much for letting me know Rachel," I said.

"Of course, and sleep tight!" She said, before cutting the line.

So. Steel was in distress. Good. That mother fucker should have as much stress as possible before he died. But now the thing for me to find out was why he was so distressed. It was probably because of Kelly vanishing though. But I couldn't jump to conclusions.

While I was in bed, I couldn't do anything but think. Sleep alluded me once more, and after thinking about Steel and his motives for almost an hour, I was feeling rather violent. So I decided that tomorrow I would go out to relieve some of my own stress.

The next morning after training and breakfast, all of us were chilling in the lounge room. It was raining today, so we decided to play dart on a dartboard I had on a door. We put on some music and didn't think about all of the shitty things in our lives. Just for a little while.

"Hey, girls?" Silvia asked and I hummed to show I was listening.

"Why don't we go to the cops with the gang and stuff. I mean, it's pretty clear that they're doing fucked up things, even if we don't know what exactly." Ouch, Silvia was kind of out of the loop on that one.

"Silvia, we killed people, I don't know if it's a good idea for us to go report them. Besides don't you think people would have done it before us? Clearly, it didn't work when they did it." Kelly said, and then they both turned to me for my opinion.

"I want to get revenge for something Steel and his little gang has done. But I would rather get revenge on him myself instead of letting some cops deal with it." I said, and they nodded in understanding, not pushing for more information.

"Besides, Kelly has a point, we are murderers now. Don't know if they'll appreciate that." I said grinning, and Silvia laughed.

"Agreed." She said and threw the dart she had in her hand. What Kelly and Silvia didn't know, was that this was part of their training as well. If you were great at darts, it's not that hard to step over to throwing knives. Their aim just had to be good enough.

We stayed there for a few hours, taking turns throwing darts and laughing our asses off for no reason whatsoever.

We had all agreed that school could go to hell. I knew Kyle would probably try and kill me for it, but good fucking luck to him. I realized the entire excuse for me to go to school was such bullshit. And we were all focused on something else for the moment anyway.

After lunch, I trained them even more on self-defense. They were both fast learners and were improving rapidly. Of course, being the people we were, we also had music blasting at full volume while training, and so, that is how we ended up here. Singing Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott at the top of our lungs, and completely forgetting that training was a thing.

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