If You Got Pregnant

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Ick... kids. Anywho, my friend has baby fever and loves this show, so I'm writing this for her! Love ya bestie ❤ (Also, I noticed that in the show, you don't see any little kids and at least to my knowledge, no pregnant women either, so I think while the game master is a psycho, they might have some sort of moral compass. Or just want more people to drag into their game and that's why they leave them out until they're of age/not pregnant anymore. Just a theory :)  )


- Did someone say internal panic?

- Because that was he does. Like on the outside he might be smirking, but he legit died on the inside from how shocking the news was.

- You made sure to tell him in private though

- He jokes about it at first before his protective instincts get ahold of him

- After he finds out, he gets very protective over you. More than usual

- Doesn't let you drink alcohol after he finds out (jerk-)

- Thinks that you having to play the game while pregnant is both the most badass thing he's ever seen, while also the most nerve wracking.

- If you have to be separated from him for a game, and he gets back before you, he is hiding everything pretty well, but on the inside he's like "please be ok, please be ok.'

- Overall thinks he's going to be a bad father, and hates the idea of  ruining it or something.

- When people find out, they were just like 'Welp, it was bound to happen.'

- Reactions where as follows:

Chishiya: Nasty. Anywho, you keep that... that thing away from me, we won't have any problems.

An(because she's the closest thing to a doctor, and she's like an older sister to you): Oh my... what a wonderful thing, but such bad luck for it to happen here. I'll help you as much as I can.


- Makes a face of ew at first

- Then the panic sets in

- Then he's a bit happy

- Then the panic comes back

- He's switching faster than my ex best friend

- He hates kids, so he's like... "The hell am I supposed to do!?"

- If you decide to keep it, he's like ok with it, and takes responsibility

- But also because he isn't leaving you ever

- He wasn't super protective before. Now he won't even let you walk down the stairs without him helping you

- You wonder what happened to the guy that called kids "Little snot gremlins"

- You sometimes miss the Chishiya that let you have your independence

- Extra cuddles at all times

- Finds ways to protect you in the games. Extremely creative ones to the point where you wonder what he did in his life before the games

- Everyone is shocked at the news. Like... everyone thought that he would have said 'yeetus to the fetus' (I mean, if that's what you wanted he would have been more than OK with it)

- People's reactions:

Niragi: Oh this has got to be karma working against him *laughs* congrats though, (Y/N)(he's a jerk, but since you're nice to him, he's nice back)

Kuina: I'm going to be an auntie!Aww! It's going to be so cute! I'll help you with anything if you need help, ok? Chishiya, stop glaring at me like that. She's my little sister, you have no say in this anymore-(not by blood but she's your 'older sister')

An: That's nice. I'll see if I have any medication that can help with the nausea and pain, yeah?


- There's silence for about 5 minutes after you tell him

- He's jumping between being happy and panicking

- He pick none of them, and is just supportive, asking you about how long you've known, if it's his, etc. Etc. Etc.

- Suddenly goes 'Oh fuck' because... the games.

- And because once people notice, they're going to take advantage of that. And both of you

- Knows you can do stuff by yourself, but his anxiety about it and instinctive protectiveness get the best of him

- Constantly asking if you need anything from him

- Holds your hair back (if it's long)when you're throwing up

- Scared of you getting hurt even more now

- Everyone's reaction

Usagi(she's really nice): Oh, I'm so happy for you two! But we must be careful in the games.

Kuina: Shocking, but we'll learn how to help you in the games. And, congratulations.

Chishiya: Nononononono.... why am I travelling with you guys? I should've known... keep that child away from me when it's here, yeah?

Karube (if... well... you know...): Those are words I never thought I'd hear... Congratulations Arisu, (Y/N).

Chota: Ah, you're not joking? That's so amazing! Congratulations! You two will make great parents. (Sir, my own intrusive thoughts tell me to jump off my roof, what do you think they're going to say about a baby?)


- Faints

- I'm joking

- He was super excited

- And then panicked for a good hour

- Before asking you 60 questions

- Scared he won't be able to protect you in games

- Always makes sure you're ok before you go or do anything

- Stress is bad for the baby, so tries to talk to you about it everyday, making sure your mental state is... adequate... (me with my shit mental health: thank you for trying, but not even a psychologist knows what's going on baby)

- He's very excited

- You two probably talk about baby names all the time

- Karube and Arisu are the godparents, no questions asked (you agreed to this since you'd been friends with all of them, and they gladly accepted)

- When everyone found out the reactions were as follows

Karube: So... you two... CONGRATS MY FRIEND! (Loud boys = best boys)
Arisu: Oh... my... I'm so happy for you two! Since when?

- Another one who hold your hair back when you throw up

Ignore all the little side author notes, we're gucci over here, working on a couple chapters that should be out soon! (god I want to slap myself)

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