♪Author's Note♪

2K 66 108

Hello my dearies in this note i just want to ask you all a few things😶🤭

And about last chapter i really got demotivated😕You guys always read my story but won't vote for it neither try to write a comment on it, if you don't like the story and all that then tell me, but you guys just read it silently without any vote or comment that really hurts me. So now i won't write a new story till i get 200k reads and till i get sufficient votes and comments, sorry if i sound rude🙃But it really demotivated me

So here the few things wich i want to ask my lovely readers😘who votes and comment for it everytime❣️❣️

1. So which is your favourite story among all these short stories

A. Under your Spell
B. Bound to you
C. Raabta
D. Vasl
E. Bahar_e_Ishq

2. Which are your favourite characters and why🙈🤭

A. Aryan and Mehrunnisa
B. Arman and Seher
C. Hadii and Pariza
D.Arslan and Zarin
E. Obaid and Laiba

So if you ask me which is my favourite story I'll say "Under your Spell" is my favourite story and Obaid and Laiba are my favourite characters 🙈🤭because they both are really close to my heart♥️

3. Do you guys want a new story? So do u want me to write on which plot? I mean if you have any suggestions then please tell me, actually i have a beautiful plot in my mind in sha Allah I'll write when the time will come, but I'm asking you people for your suggestions and ideas?

4. Guys if you see anyone using my plots, my titles, my characters in their stories then please inform me, it's my hardwork which i write down and i can't tolerate if anyone steals it, so please inform me....


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