Chapter 11: Tell me about it.

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As he drove you back home you and him kept having conversations about life and shit because duh you're grown now.

" so about this nursing shit.. how long you think it's gonna take to complete nursing school" he asked while stopping at a red light.

" hell.. depending on my dedication to it, it'll probably take 4-6 years plus the programs and shit I guess." You replied back.

"What about this marine biology shit"
" I might cross over to learn business.. but I'm not really sure yet I still have time to think."

The light turns green*

" You should follow your dreams Armin. What ever you want to do, make sure you do something that you love. I love taking care of people so that's why I'm going to be a nurse."

" Are you going to be a travel nurse like your mom?"

"Hell nah I wouldn't dare." You looked at him crazy.

"Why not ? She be bringing in the bank" he sarcastically asked.

"Because.. I want to be in a stable place. And what if I plan to have kids.. I wouldn't be around them. Hell..Look at me, I got mommy and daddy issues. I wouldn't want my kids going through that type of shit"

" Okay but you literally get anything you ask for" he added.

"Doesn't matter. Materialistic things are not better than having a parent who's there physically, mentally, and emotionally... out of all people I'd expect you to know."

" you're right. My dad just send me money and wants me to manage everything while he's gone months at a time.. but I'm the only child so things are different."

"Yeah exactly.. but I love taking care of them. Them my babies."

Armin smiles at you as he pulls into your driveway.

"You know Y/n.. you'd make a good mom."

The silence was really loud after that comment. You felt your body start to heat up. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. Take a deep breath.

"Armin, im not ready to have no damn kids."

" I know. I'm just saying you'd be a good mom.. I wish I was like your little brother or something you always take care of them even when they're mad at you or don't agree with you about something" he replied.

" yeah.. no I wouldn't want you to be my little brother that's weird." You said staring at his neck tattoo

"Is it because you want me to be your man ?"

You started to grin and get hot again. "Boy let me out this car."

"I see you didn't deny."

"Maybe, maybe not now let me out." You said while turning away from him.

"Can I get kiss ?" "Please."

You turned around, leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"No y/n on my lips"

"Why you want me to kiss you on the lips didn't you have enough of kissing today"

"Pleaseeeee" he begged

"Fine. come here."

He leaned in and you grabbed his cheeks and gave him a peck on the lips.

"No y/n.. deeper"


" I like the way your lips feel." he said in a low raspy tone.

You moved your hair to the side and pulled him back in for a kiss. You swiped your tongue on his bottom lip for entrance once again and he let you. You could feel your second heartbeat again. You could feel your body temperature rising every time his tongue swiped over yours. As bad as you wanted it him you couldn't bring yourself to say it so You broke the kiss.

Lovers and Friends [Armin Arlert x Black Reader] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora