Lana's coming to Arabasta

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It was a sunny afternoon of the next day..

Everyone's busy doing their own thing.
Luffy, Chopper and Nami were in the front deck, well, Luffy sitting on the figure head whilst the boys, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp were at the back deck, playing cards.

Lana and Vivi were in the girl's room. Lana's currently reading while Vivi's staring at the newspaper she got.

"There's no point on reading that again and again." says Lana who's focused on the book she's reading.

Vivi looked at her before sighing.

"I know.. I'm .. just worried."

"See.. That'll only give you anxieties. Don't worry too much.. it will just cloud your judgment. It's better to go forward the battle with a clear mind." Vivi nodded with a smile.

The ship sways a bit mildly distracting the two.

"What's happening?" Vivi asked

"Maybe some shenanigans of Luffy." She shrugged and continued reading.

And indeed she was right.. somehow. Luffy's involved.. so somehow right.

Luffy was sitting on the figurehead, talking with Chopper when they saw a bird from a distance.

"Oh what's that??" asked Chopper pointing towards the bird in the sky.

"It's a seagull!" Luffy answered

"How can something that big be a seagull??" Nami asked also looking at the bird.
The said bird was flying above them and it is really big as it's shadow covered the entire ship!

"Oi, Seagull!!" Luffy raises his hands as he calls on the giant bird.

Just then the bird took a sharp turn, changing it's direction and is now charging towards them!!

"AHHH! IT'S COMING!!!" Nami panicked!!

"How about that! It is a seagull!" Luffy confirmed as he saw its face

"That's not the point right now!! You called it and now it's coming towards us!" Nami shouted to Luffy who's just smiling as he waits for the bird to close in!

"Wow! A great adventure!" Chopper exclaimed , definitely still naive about everything.

The bird roars as it swoop in grabbing Luffy by its beak making their ship sway.

"Wait. Where's Luffy?" Nami asked since she didn't saw it grab Luffy for she was busy protecting herself.

"Yahooo!!" Luffy shouted without minding that he was in the beak of the giant bird!

"WAIT!!! Don't get yourself eaten!!" shouted Nami, who's clearly worried for their captain!

Chopper had his eyes and mouth wide open, pure shocked at what he was witnessing!
He runs to where the guys were to ask for help!

"Emergency! Luffy got eaten! This is no time to be playing cards! Luffy got eaten!" as a panicked Chopper runs around the three who obviously doesn't care.

"Did he ask for help?" Zoro asked, still focused on the deck of cards he has.

Chopper stopped running to answer..
"No he didn't."

"Then he'll be fine. Let him handle it." Chopper wondered how could this guys be nonchalant about their captain.

"But.." Chopper looked up to see what's happening with Luffy.

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