Chapter 1: Jack Dawson and Rose DeWitt-Bukater

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This was not how this vacation was supposed to go.

The blizzard outside not only scared her half to death on the road, but now she was late. Y/N read the 8 texts on her phone as she sat in her car. They gave her a detailed play-by-play of when each room was claimed and by who. The texts urged her to get to the cabin faster, so she could claim a bed. As she got up to date, she saw that the last notification said '30 minutes ago.'

>Mickey and Edward just got here

>Sorry I couldn't save you a room. Vacay rules :(

So that's how she found herself in Upstate New York, in a cabin in the woods, with only the couch to sleep on. She got out of the car, grabbed her bag, and trudged into the house.

Now Y/N was on vacation, pathetically playing third-wheel to her best friend Mary and Mary's boyfriend Joe, and she didn't even have a real bed. Normally, she would have no problem sharing a room with someone on a trip. But as much as she joked she was the third half of their relationship, Y/N wasn't actually going to sleep with Mary and Joe. That felt like a bridge too far. Everyone else on the trip were strangers to her, and she definitely wasn't going to share with a stranger.

So the couch it had to be.

She grumbled to herself as she walked up to the cabin, frustrated because she wasn't even supposed to be here. Mary invited her last minute out of pity, and Y/N would do anything to get away from her mother's annoying new boyfriend. Geoff was insufferable, and her mom and he were being couple-y and gross. No way she was spending a weekend doing whatever the fuck macrame was. No thanks.

It can't get much worse than that , she thought to herself as she walked in the front door. She found herself in a tight embrace virtually immediately.

"I'm glad you finally made it!" Mary said as she squeezed Y/N. "I thought you died."

"Nope, didn't die. Thank you for inviting me though, or else I think I would have."

"Geoff," Mary spat. "You're obviously welcome. Come on, let me introduce you."

The cabin wasn't small, but it was cozy. There was a large central main room that did double duty as a living and dining room. The couch that would be her bed for the duration of the trip was in there, as well as a few chairs around the room. They framed a large fireplace on one wall. Y/N could see a sliding door behind the dining room table that led into the backyard. This room was attached to a modestly sized kitchen. It was a little dated, but it all seemed in good shape. She had a few ideas on how she would spruce up the place if given the opportunity, but she was here as a guest, not to consult. To her left and right were two 'wings.' Each wing had two bedrooms and a bathroom.

They walked over to the table, which looked like it had been there for a long time. It was weathered from many family meals. Joe - a friendly face, she was glad to see him - introduced Y/N to the others around the table: Tom, Daisy, Edward, and Mickey. She looked around again, counting in her head - wasn't there supposed to be five? Mary had said something about a cousin of hers deciding to also join them last minute. Surprisingly enough, she didn't know much about Cousin Chris. She knew almost everything about Mary, but her family life was a glaring blindspot. Y/N hadn't noticed until Mary invited her on vacation with some family friends.

She heard the door open, and a gust of cold wind accompanied it.

"Sorry it took so long! The snow is crazy."

Y/N turned around and gulped.

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