Chapter 6: Peter Kavinsky and Lara Jean Covey

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Y/N changed into her swimsuit in the bathroom Mickey wasn't currently vomiting in. This was one part of the house that had been updated recently. The floors were a dark gray tile and the walls were a much lighter gray. The shower was nice: tiled floor and walls with a glass door. There was a sink with a good amount of counter space, considering it wasn't an overly spacious room. Y/N placed her clothes on it as she changed and thought about how she would have designed pretty much the same bathroom given this floorplan. She wondered if the other bathroom was also renovated.

When she came back out, she found Joe gently assisting Mary through the main room of the cabin. Mary was also in her swimsuit - a very cute red and white polka dot bikini. Her short brown hair was in two low pigtails. She looked a little bit like a human version of Minnie Mouse.

"Joe, I can help her outside, if you're not going to join us," Y/N offered.

"Babe, let Y/N help me, it's fine," Mary told her boyfriend. Joe carefully transferred responsibility of Mary to Y/N and left the room. As he did, Mary leaned less on Y/N and walked more under her own power.

"Again, I love him, but he fusses too much," Mary sighed. "Well don't you just look like sex on legs."

Y/N rolled her eyes at her friend. The compliment was over the top, but so was Mary. Y/N was wearing black bottoms and a floral top. She had grabbed whatever was on top of her drawer, but leave it to Mary to be her own personal hype squad.

The two went out onto the back patio where the hot tub was located. There was a covered table and chairs out there as well, Y/N guessed for outdoor eating. She wondered if anyone ever came here in the summertime, when you could use the setup properly. On the other side of the patio, there was a stone fire pit. A few chairs circled it and made it optimal for cozy conversation on a winter or summer night.

As they walked to the hot tub, Mary needed very little assistance. Despite all of Joe's worries, she mainly only needed Y/N to help her into the hot tub itself. Once she was in, Y/N put their phones on a little table nearby and joined her.

They sat in silence for a minute, getting acclimated to the warm water and the cold air on their skin. Y/N knew it wouldn't last though.

"So I heard while I was changing that Daisy may be joining us," Mary asked. Her tone implied she wanted to talk about something scandalous. "And I don't want to hurt her feelings. So before she comes out, what do you think about Chris? I noticed that he got on the ski lift with you when we all got stuck. Gave you two a bit of time to get to know each other, eh?" She waggled her eyebrows with that last comment. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"He seems fine. I know he's your cousin, but I'm getting serious frat boy energy from him. It's a no from me," Y/N told Mary. She was confused by the riot of emotions that came up when she thought of Chris. Best to just deny, deny, deny, at least until she could figure things out a little bit better for herself.

"Ugh, fine. I'll stop trying to push him on you," Mary relented. "I just thought you guys would work together, you know? Sort of a little bit of an 'amazing girl hooks up with a jerk with a heart of gold' story? But whatever, if it's wrong, it's wrong. We can just enjoy the rest of our vacation and not talk anymore about him."

"Thanks, babe. I know you're just trying to help, but I think I'm still not ready to date or anything."

"Alright. I guess I was stretching when I tried to set you up with my cousin. Imagine? I would want to hear all of the scandalous details from you as my best friend, but about my cousin? Hard pass." Mary giggled.

They talked for a little while, about nothing in particular. After about 15 minutes, Mary started to look uncomfortable.

"Don't hate me, but maybe Joe was more right than I wanted to admit. My knee is starting to hurt," Mary confessed. "I'm going to text him to come bring me back inside." Mary leaned over the side to grab her phone off of the table. Joe, dutiful as ever, came as summoned. As he was helping Mary out however, Daisy came out to join them.

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