Chapter 29: Clark Kent and Lois Lane

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Y/N walked towards the High Line with a queasy feeling. She wasn't sure if she was more nervous or excited, but something had her stomach churning with anticipation.

Chris and Y/N texted in fits and starts since their diner meeting the weekend before. Y/N felt much more self-conscious with him now. Their conversations flowed so easily when they were at the cabin, but the intervening months and the associated baggage had changed things. Even now that they had been open and honest with each other about their feelings, things were still awkward.

Y/N decided to take Chris at his word this time. She resolved that he was worth that much, a chance at believing him. She'd been burned before by being too trusting, but guarding herself too strictly hadn't worked either. It was time to try a new tack.

She did miss how comfortable talking to him used to feel though. If talking to him continued to make Y/N feel nauseated, no matter how willing she was to trust him, she wasn't sure this would last.

So when Y/N mentioned that she wanted to walk the High Line this weekend, it startled her when Chris asked to tag along. It was an open air park on the West Side, and it used to be an old railway. The High Line always had art exhibits and things to do, but mostly Y/N liked it to people-watch. She'd walk, eavesdrop on conversations, and take in the scenery. Any time she needed to relax or get inspired, she'd go to the High Line. She had meant it to be a casual day where she wandered the park with her headphones on and enjoyed the warming weather. Now, her relaxed spring day transformed into date night. And that did not make her feel relaxed.

She planned to get there early to give herself some time to calm down. As Y/N approached their meeting location, she tried to take some deep breaths. She would sit and get zen and stop panicking over meeting Chris.

It would not help to think about how this was the first real sort-of date they'd ever been on. It absolutely would not help at all to think about that.

And yet, she couldn't push the thought out of her head.

It was a bit more crowded than Y/N thought it would be. She should have expected it; it was the first really nice day of the season, where the air started to feel more like summer than spring. She even broke out her summer clothes for the occasion: a sundress in a blue that reminded her of the sky on a warm, clear day. Weaving her way through the park-goers, she searched for a bench to sit at while she waited for Chris.

She finally pushed through to a space where the crowd thinned out and stopped dead in her tracks.

Chris was sitting on a bench with a box next to him.

He was furtively looking back and forth, seemingly scanning passersby. He hadn't seen her yet, and she took a moment to just watch him.

She took in his appearance bit by bit. Chris was wearing the tasteful version of a denim-on-denim outfit - light wash on top, dark wash on the bottom. An appropriate number of buttons were open on his shirt, and his sleeves were rolled up. Y/N's face felt hot, and her stomach clenched uncomfortably at the sight of him. There were sunglasses perched on top of the box, neatly folded. Y/N saw that his leg bounced rapidly and he kept running his hands down his thighs. His head was on a swivel, watching groups of people walk by, tracking groups coming from the left, then right, left, right, left, right. To Y/N's shock, he seemed nervous.

Seeing that Chris looked anxious helped quell her nerves. After putting it off for a moment or so, Y/N finally approached him.

She saw the second he spotted her. His entire face changed from wide-eyed and searching to something more calm. He smiled and waved Y/N over. As she approached, Chris moved the box on the bench next to him and gestured for her to sit.

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