Chapter 10: Simon Basset and Daphne Bridgerton

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Y/N knew this was inevitable. She would have to face Chris and last night's tragedy at some point now that escape was taken off the table. He looked like an ad for some sort of winter brand, wrapped up in his coat against the icy backdrop. He was so stunning it was almost painful.

"So I think it's pretty obvious," Chris started.

Y/N felt a lump stuck in her throat.

"We're not winning any charades game shows anytime soon." He let out a soft chuckle.

Relief washed over Y/N.

"I'm going to chalk it up entirely to your terrible acting," she sighed. So we are avoiding. Got it. She could work with that.

"I don't think that's fair, but I'll agree to 60/40." Chris grinned. "I don't think it was a total loss. At least you got the daytime version of last night, a second act if you will." The grin changed subtly into a smirk. Y/N felt heat rush from the top of her head all the way down through her toes.

Oh god. Was he satisfied with how last night went? Was he not aware how... fuck. Y/N felt like word vomit was coming up. She tried to find the right words to let him down gently.

"I won't lie, it was lonely in that big empty bed this morning. I woke up, and you were gone. Was it something I said?" The deep blue of his eyes was extremely captivating, and she felt herself being pulled in. She thought she could see in them that underneath the humor, there was sincerity. Y/N tried to find any ounce of cool left in her body but came up with nothing. She felt like her brain was no longer on her side. Why was being alone with him so overwhelming?

"Why'd you leave?" Chris finally asked. The silence hung in the air.

Y/N could feel her stomach creeping its way into her throat. She fought to regain some semblance of control of herself. She tried to think of how unsatisfying the night before had been, but it was hard when all she could think of was how he looked naked a few minutes before.

"Well, it would've been suspicious if everyone woke up to an absent couch." Y/N tried to play it off, kicking some of the snow under her boots. She knew her false nonchalance was unconvincing.

"So you didn't want anyone to know where you really spent the night then, I take it?" Chris replied.

"I mean it was all a blur anyways. Red wine does not treat me well. I was pretty tipsy and the hangover was not nice. It's just... I woke up and figured I'd grab my things and be out of your way." Y/N was trying as hard as she could to avoid ruining his self esteem. "Besides, I don't want you to have to worry about me. It was a one night thing and we can skip the drama. We're cool, okay?" Y/N smiled at him, but it was forced.

Chris looked down at the snow and back up at Y/N. He looked back at the house full of friends.

"Yeah, we're cool. You don't want anyone to know that you slept with me. I got it," Chris said, not making eye contact.

Y/N felt awful. She wanted to take it back and just tell him the truth, but she knew honesty wouldn't help right now.

"I never said that, Chris," Y/N said, trying to change the direction of the conversation.

"Hey, don't worry, it's no sweat off your back. I'm sure my cousin and Daisy gave you ample notice of my 'hit it and quit it' tendencies." He rolled his eyes. "So you had your fun, and you can say whatever you want to them, just don't make it seem like I made you come to my room," Chris deadpanned.

"Okay, Chris. It's not like I begged you or took advantage of you or anything. If anything, you're the one who's been chasing me! You can think what you want about how desperate I was to sleep with you, but you probably should be more concerned with how well you fuck and not how often." Y/N was angry, and letting him down easy was no longer a priority. She didn't normally think of herself as hot tempered, but he just pulled these feelings out of her. He would say something, and she'd see red. She wasn't sure why he got to her so much.

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