Chapter 15: Westley and Buttercup

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Y/N held onto her pajamas and looked down the hall towards the room that was waiting for her. She found herself hesitating.

She reminded herself that she was an adult. She could spend a night with a very fine looking man and have it not be awkward. The fact that he'd seen her naked and she'd seen him naked more than once didn't matter. Y/N could keep her mind out of the gutter for one night. With a deep breath, she made her way down the hall.

She walked in on Chris rummaging through his overnight bag looking for something. She leaned against the door frame, admiring him doing such a mundane task. Chris sensed someone at the door and looked up. His face brightened with a smile.

"Didn't quite take you as the watcher type," Chris commented, while turning back to his bag. He pulled out his toothbrush.

"I just didn't want to walk in and startle you," Y/N said truthfully.

"Well lucky for you, I don't mind being watched," Chris said with a wink.

"Hey, no winking, no flirting, we are just going to sleep, remember?" Y/N said, reminding Chris of their agreement.

"Fair enough. I won't tease. I'm going to use the bathroom and get ready for bed."

"Go for it, I'll just get myself set in here," Y/N replied as Chris walked out.

Y/N felt a breath of relief leave her chest. She was suddenly acutely aware of the effect he had on her. She shoved that thought out of her mind and put her stuff down. She looked for an outlet to plug in her charger. Y/N walked over to the door and locked it so she could change into her pajamas without risking an audience.

Chris still wasn't back as she finished, so she unlocked the door and headed for the other bathroom. While brushing her teeth, she finally felt like she finally regained her cool. She looked directly at her reflection, and she began to chuckle. She felt ridiculous. In spite of her self-consciousness, Y/n gathered her things and headed back to the room.

She walked in on Chris grabbing the neck of his shirt and pulling it up over his head. Are you fucking kidding me? Y/N thought. How is it even legal to look like that?

Y/N just stood in the doorway, mouth agape. Chris turned to her, shirt in hand.

"Do you mind?"

No, I most certainly do not mind, Y/N thought.

"I didn't leave the door open while you were changing. I feel like I deserve the same courtesy." He reached past her - his unclothed torso sinfully close to her - and shut the door. The already small room felt even smaller. Y/N was pretty sure she wasn't breathing.

"You know, it's not like it's anything you haven't seen before. I can understand why you'd be awestruck, but I didn't realize I had the same effect the second go round." He tossed his shirt aside.

Y/N tried to find her footing here. "More like third. I recall you putting on quite a show yesterday. So it seems like it's something everyone has seen before."

"Fair." Chris walked over to the bed, clad only in pajama pants, and slipped under the covers.

Once again, she felt rooted where she stood. He slept shirtless? She hadn't factored shirtless into this scenario. She couldn't imagine spending her entire night so close to that. And platonically. This was going to be a struggle.

She walked to the other side of the bed and got in. Y/N noticed it was the same side she awoke on the other morning. She supposed it was her side now.

Both Y/N and Chris laid there awkwardly. Y/N faced the ceiling. Chris faced away from her. Y/N's brain was screaming, so loud she bet Chris could hear it. To lay in bed with someone was more intimate than she anticipated. To be vulnerable enough to let her body just be near another person, at arms length, while doing nothing. Y/N needed something to fill the silence.

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