Chapter 14: Chris Brander and Jamie Palamino

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The meal passed slower than Y/N would have wanted. Y/N just hoped no one else noticed how much she struggled to stay attentive to the conversation.

They settled the check at about 10 after 8, and they made their way to the outdoor courtyard where the movie was playing. It was cold, but there were heaters, cozy outdoor couches, and blankets around. It was a nicely appointed outdoor area meant to be used in the wintertime. Y/N felt like this was more of a couples event, but it was too late to back out now.

There were three empty couches in a row in the middle of the courtyard. They were definitely only designed for two people. There was also a free one right behind.

"Let's take these four!" Mickey gestured. He plopped himself onto the middle of the set of three. Edward sat with him.

Mary sat in the one next to them and sighed. "We haven't really done anything today, but I'm exhausted. I'm excited to curl up with you and watch a movie!" She pulled Joe into the seat with her.

Tom had taken the third couch, and Daisy followed suit. That left the one behind them for Y/N and Chris.


She knew this would happen once they walked out of the lodge and saw the rows of two-seaters, but having the reality smack her in the face smarted. She perched herself on the edge of the shared couch and waited for the movie to start. Chris got comfortable beside her.

She was excited for the movie - it was secretly one of her favorite romcoms - but she wished it was under different circumstances. Maybe just her and Mary, joking around at home and tossing popcorn at one another. Mary teasing her that she was going to become a weird spinster, and Y/N telling her that she was just waiting for Ryan Reynolds to knock on her door. That would have been ideal.

This was not ideal.

The movie started right on time. Y/N watched Ryan Reynolds get publicly shamed for his crush on Amy Smart and vowing to become incredibly successful as revenge. She wished that the heater was a little closer, and tried to ignore the chill sinking into her. By the time Anna Faris showed up, she was suppressing shivers.

"Hey," Y/N heard a whisper. She turned to see Chris holding open the blanket. "I can feel you shaking the whole chair. You're cold."

"I'm not. I'm fine thanks."

"Come on, I know you're lying." He stared intently at her with a small frown on his face. "And your shivering is distracting me from Anna Faris. So get under the blanket."

Y/N stared at him and held out for one long moment. Then a gust of wind shot by (really? way to not be on her side, nature), chilling her to the core. She reluctantly scooted closer to Chris and got under the blanket.

It was much warmer underneath the blanket. She knew it would be, but she was still annoyed. And Chris seemed to radiate heat like a sun. As she watched Ryan Reynolds reconnect with his teenage crush, she felt herself move closer and closer to Chris.

Just as Ryan Reynolds - who happened to be named Chris in this movie, a detail she had forgotten - decided to go ice skating with Amy Smart, Y/N felt Chris' arm snake around her shoulders.

She tensed. On one hand, he had been flirting with that woman at the bar only a few hours ago. They weren't serious, they weren't really anything, but it still felt like a jab to Y/N. On the other hand, he was so warm, and it was so cold. Why were they having a movie night outside in such cold weather?

The wind blew again and she gave in. Y/N snuggled under Chris' arm and against his side. Her head rested on his chest. She pulled her legs up onto the seat and completely surrounded herself with the blanket.

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