Epilogue: Ricky and Lucy Ricardo

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Hey everyone! Before we start, just want to say a big thank you so much for following this fic all the way through. This is our last chapter together. Hope you've enjoyed it. There is something else a bit different in the works coming, but it's not quite ready yet. Be on the lookout!

On with the show!



Y/N paced Chris' apartment nervously. The man took longer to get ready than anyone she'd ever known. Lateness must be a family trait.

"Are you ready yet?" Y/N called out, checking her phone again for the time. It had been thirty seconds since she last checked. "I don't want to be late!"

Chris emerged from his room. "I heard you the last three times. And yes. I'm ready."

Y/N scanned her boyfriend up and down. At least he looked like he'd taken ages getting ready. His currently shaggy hair was combed back. He was wearing a dark green sweater that hugged every muscle, as well as a fitted pair of black jeans. Suddenly, she did not want to leave the apartment at all. She wanted to tear that lovely sweater right off his body. But today was too important.

"Okay, I think we have everything, let's get an Uber. We're going to be late, I hope Daisy doesn't freak out." Y/N was practically buzzing with frantic energy.

Chris placed his hands on her shoulders and stared intently into Y/N's eyes. "Calm down. It's going to be fine."

Y/N nodded. Chris grabbed his phone so they could get on the road.

When Joe asked her to help plan this night, she'd nearly lost her mind. Mary and Joe. Getting engaged. She was over the moon for them, and this night had to be perfect.

They arrived at the restaurant at 5:07. Guests were slated to arrive at 6, with Joe and Mary arriving at 6:30. Joe wanted the entire evening to be a surprise. The plan was for this to be a surprise engagement for Tom and Daisy. Mary thought she was in on the secret, and she'd been texting Y/N for weeks thinking this was going to be a magical night for her friends. Little did she know, Joe would be the one proposing to her.

Y/N walked into the restaurant while Chris followed with decorations. They made sure to extra tip the driver for the trouble, since Y/N had spared no expense. Her interior decorator mind was in full gear, and she was going to make sure the private room of this place looked stunning.

Daisy and Tom were already there, go figure.

"You're late! I have no idea what to do with any of this, I was about to have a panic attack!" Daisy wailed, gesturing wildly at the decorations that Y/N tasked her with acquiring. Daisy was her partner in crime for this event. She had to be; she was the excuse. Daisy had played the part of 'semi-suspicious almost fiance' perfectly. Mary suspected nothing.

"You can blame Chris for that," Y/N said, taking charge of the decorating. She started directing Tom and Chris to hang certain decorations in certain places, delegating heavy lifting and decorating higher places to them.

"I mean, I always do anyway," Daisy joked. "Where do these go?"

Within the hour, the four had transformed the room into a beautiful engagement space. It was exactly as Y/N pictured.

Guests started arriving right as they finished. Friends of the couple, friends of Tom and Daisy, and family friends were all present. They even had an excuse for Joe's parents being invited - they were in town for the weekend, the more the merrier, right?

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