Chapter 19: Danny Zuko and Sandy Olson

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The sun started to sink down in the sky, and Joe decided they should probably head back if they wanted to have dinner at a decent time.

Everyone piled back into the cars. This time, Tom, Mickey, and Edward went with Daisy. Joe took back Mary, Chris, and Y/N.


Mary sat in the backseat with Y/N and tried to find a song she felt like singing to. She told Y/N that it was very important to pick a good one, because the drive wasn't that long.

"How are you holding up back there, Y/N? Are you feeling okay?" Y/N met Joe's eyes in the rearview mirror for a second. She could see the worry on his face. "You guys are not having the best luck when it comes to injuries."

"Hey!" Mary protested. "I'm fine now, thank you very much." She turned her attention back to song selection, now grumbling as she did.

"I'm fine, thank you. Just got the wind knocked out of me. I think I'm going to make it." She grinned, even if she didn't think Joe was looking at her anymore. He was really a good guy. She was lucky to have him around.

"Guess someone won't be getting any gold medals any time soon," Chris chuckled. Something about the way he'd said it had an edge, and it didn't sit right with Y/N. And on top of that, she wasn't fond of him alluding to a conversation they'd had in private right in front of Mary.

Mary's head snapped up from looking for a song. "Ohmygosh, how'd you know Y/N secretly wants to be a figure skater?"

Y/N felt her heart stop.

"It was just a joke." Chris turned in his seat to look Y/N in the eye. "I didn't know you wanted to be a figure skater. Cool." His gaze was pointed and intense. She looked away.

"Ugh, yes!" Mary exclaimed. Y/N saw her press play.

Music came from every direction, and Mary giggled with delight. She saw Joe crack a small smile. Mary started to scream-sing, but Y/N couldn't focus.

Chris was upset, that much was for sure. But Y/N wasn't sure why exactly. He said that he didn't do relationships and also that he liked her. She thought that meant he'd like to pursue this friends-with-benefits thing with her, and it seemed like he'd prefer Mary be kept out of it. But now, it was almost like he wanted Mary to know he was sleeping with her. Maybe he was trying to gloat? He didn't seem the type to Y/N, but she kept hearing all of these awful stories about him. She wasn't sure she knew him very well at all.

Whatever it was, she was sure as hell going to confront him about it.


They rolled up to the cabin, startling Y/N. She must have been staring out of the window lost in thought for longer than she believed. She eased herself out of the car - yeah, there would definitely be more bruises - and walked into the cabin.

Once again, Daisy had beaten them there; Joe was such a safe driver. Tom had already started pulling things from the refrigerator.

"Can I help?" Y/N asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I think I've got it handled, but thank you, Y/N." He gave her a small smile.

"He's very particular about his workspace and his prep and all of that." Daisy rolled her eyes with a smile. "He doesn't let anyone help, don't take it personally. Grab a drink and sit back." She wrapped her arms around Tom's waist from behind. He paused what he was doing, gave her hand a gentle pat, then continued working.

Y/N, for her part, did exactly what Daisy suggested. She grabbed herself a drink and sat with Mary on the torture couch.

"It's not as bad when you're just sitting on it," Mary laughed.

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